knitr::opts_chunk$set(eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE)
#pacman::p_depends(vegan, local = TRUE)
#pacman::p_depends_reverse(vegan, local = TRUE)
library(phyloseq); packageVersion("phyloseq")
pacman::p_load(ape, bestNormalize, tidyverse, gdata, mctoolsr,
ggpubr, ggvegan, ggfortify, vegan, reactable,
downloadthis, captioner,
install = FALSE, update = FALSE)
Click here for setup information.
In this workflow we compare the environmental metadata with the microbial community data. Part 1 involves the 16S rRNA community data and Part 2 deals with the ITS community data. Each workflow contains the same major steps:
- Metadata Normality Tests: Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test to test whether each matadata parameter is normally distributed.
- Normalize Parameters: R package
to find and execute the best normalizing transformation. - Split Metadata parameters into groups: a) Environmental and edaphic properties, b) Microbial functional responses, and c) Temperature adaptation properties.
- Autocorrelation Tests: Test all possible pair-wise comparisons, on both normalized and non-normalized data sets, for each group.
- Remove autocorrelated parameters from each group.
- Dissimilarity Correlation Tests: Use Mantel Tests to see if any on the metadata groups are significantly correlated with the community data.
- Best Subset of Variables: Determine which of the metadata parameters from each group are the most strongly correlated with the community data. For this we use the
function from thevegan
(Oksanen et al. 2012) package. - Distance-based Redundancy Analysis: Ordination analysis of samples and metadata vector overlays using
, also from thevegan
Workflow Input
Files needed to run this workflow can be downloaded from figshare. You will also need the metadata table, which can be accessed below.
In this section we provide access to the complete environmental metadata containing 61 parameters across all 15 samples.
(common) Table 1 | Metadata values for each sample.
Multivariate Summary
Summary results for of envfit
and bioenv
tests for edaphic properties, soil functional response, and temperature adaptation for both 16S rRNA and ITS data sets.
16S rRNA
Metadata parameters removed based on autocorrelation results.
- edaphic properties: TEB + DON + Na + Al + Ca
- soil functional response: micN + micNP + enzCN + enzCP + BPase + CEase + LPase + Nase + Pase
- temperature adaptation: NUE + PUE + SI
Metadata parameters removed from capscale analysis based on Degrees of Freedom.
- edaphic properties: Mg + Mn
- soil functional response: NONE
- temperature adaptation: NONE
(16S rRNA) Table 1 | Significant results of envfit & bioenv tests for the 16S rRNA data set.
Metadata parameters removed based on autocorrelation results.
- edaphic properties: TEB + DON + Na + Al + Ca
- soil functional response: micN + micNP + enzCN + enzCP + BPase + CEase + LPase + Nase + Pase
- temperature adaptation: NUE + PUE + PQ10 + SI
Metadata parameters removed from capscale analysis based on Degrees of Freedom.
- edaphic properties: Mg + Mn + Na + Al + Fe + K
- soil functional response: NONE
- temperature adaptation: SQ10
(ITS) Table 1 | Significant results of envfit & bioenv tests for the ITS data set.
16s rRNA
Data Formating
- Transform
The first step is to transform the phyloseq objects.
samp_ps <- c("ssu18_ps_work", "ssu18_ps_pime", "ssu18_ps_perfect",
"ssu18_ps_work_otu", "ssu18_ps_pime_otu", "ssu18_ps_perfect_otu")
for (i in samp_ps) {
tmp_get <- get(i)
tmp_ps <- transform_sample_counts(tmp_get, function(otu) 1e5 * otu/sum(otu))
tmp_ps@phy_tree <- NULL
tmp_ps <- prune_samples(sample_sums(tmp_ps) > 0, tmp_ps)
tmp_tree <- rtree(ntaxa(tmp_ps), rooted = TRUE, tip.label = taxa_names(tmp_ps))
tmp_samp <- data.frame(sample_data(tmp_get))
tmp_samp <- tmp_samp %>% dplyr::rename("TREAT_T" = "TEMP")
tmp_ps <- merge_phyloseq(tmp_ps, sample_data, tmp_tree)
sample_data(tmp_ps) <- tmp_samp
tmp_name <- purrr::map_chr(i, ~ paste0(., "_prop"))
assign(tmp_name, tmp_ps)
rm(list = ls(pattern = "tmp_"))
- Format for
Then a bit of formatting to make the data compatible with mctoolsr
for (i in samp_ps) {
tmp_get <- get(purrr::map_chr(i, ~ paste0(., "_prop")))
tmp_tax <- data.frame(tax_table(tmp_get))
tmp_tax$ASV_SEQ <- NULL
tmp_col_names <- colnames(tmp_tax)
tmp_tax_merge <- tmp_tax %>% tidyr::unite(taxonomy,
sep = ";")
tmp_tax_merge <- tmp_tax_merge %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("#OTU_ID")
tmp_otu <- data.frame(t(otu_table(tmp_get)))
tmp_otu <- tmp_otu %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("#OTU_ID")
tmp_otu_tax <- dplyr::left_join(tmp_otu, tmp_tax_merge, by = "#OTU_ID")
tmp_samp <- data.frame(sample_data(tmp_get))
tmp_samp[,c(1,3)] <- NULL
tmp_samp <- tmp_samp %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("#SampleID")
tmp_metad <- metad %>% dplyr::rename("#SampleID" = "id")
tmp_metad[,2:5] <- NULL
tmp_md <- dplyr::left_join(tmp_samp, tmp_metad, by = "#SampleID")
tmp_otu_name <- purrr::map_chr(i, ~ paste0(., "_otu_tax"))
assign(tmp_otu_name, tmp_otu_tax)
tmp_md_name <- purrr::map_chr(i, ~ paste0(., "_md"))
assign(tmp_md_name, tmp_md)
tmp_path <- file.path("files/metadata/tables/")
write_delim(tmp_otu_tax, paste(tmp_path, tmp_otu_name, ".txt", sep = ""), delim = "\t")
write_delim(tmp_md, paste(tmp_path, tmp_md_name, ".txt", sep = ""), delim = "\t")
rm(list = ls(pattern = "tmp_"))
for (i in samp_ps) {
tmp_path <- file.path("files/metadata/tables/")
tmp_otu_name <- purrr::map_chr(i, ~ paste0(., "_otu_tax"))
tmp_md_name <- purrr::map_chr(i, ~ paste0(., "_md"))
tmp_tax_table_fp <- paste(tmp_path, tmp_otu_name, ".txt", sep = "")
tmp_map_fp <- paste(tmp_path, tmp_md_name, ".txt", sep = "")
tmp_input <- load_taxa_table(tmp_tax_table_fp, tmp_map_fp)
tmp_input_name <- purrr::map_chr(i, ~ paste0(., "_mc"))
assign(tmp_input_name, tmp_input)
rm(list = ls(pattern = "tmp_"))
rm(list = ls(pattern = "_md"))
rm(list = ls(pattern = "_otu_tax"))
Choose Data Set
At this point in the code we need to choose a data set to use, formatted with mctoolsr
. Remember, there are four choices:
- FULL, unfiltered data set.
- Arbitrary filtered data set.
- PERfect filtered data set.
- PIME filtered data set.
This way, if we want to test other data sets we only need to change the name here.
objects(pattern = "_mc")
ssu18_select_mc <- ssu18_ps_pime_mc
Normality Tests
Before proceeding, we need to test each parameter in the metadata to see which ones are and are not normally distributed. For that, we use the Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test. Here we only need one of the metadata files.
temp_md <- ssu18_select_mc$map_loaded
temp_md[,1:9] <- NULL
shap_results <- NULL
for (i in colnames(temp_md)) {
tmp_shap <- shapiro.test(temp_md[[i]])
tmp_p <- round(tmp_shap$p.value, digits = 5)
tmp_res <- eval(isTRUE(tmp_shap$p.value < 0.05))
shap_results <- rbind(shap_results, data.frame(i, tmp_p, tmp_res))
rm(list = ls(pattern = "tmp_"))
colnames(shap_results) <- c("parameter", "p-value", "tranform")
dplyr::filter(shap_results, tranform == "TRUE")
md_to_tranform <- shap_results$parameter[shap_results$tranform == TRUE]
rm(list = ls(pattern = "temp_md"))
Show the results of each normality test for metadata parameters
(16S rRNA) Table 2 | Results of the Shapiro-Wilk Normality Tests. P-values in red are significance (p-value < 0.05) meaning the parameter needs to be normalized.
Looks like we need to transform 25 metadata parameters.
Normalize Parameters
Here we use the R package bestNormalize
to find and execute the best normalizing transformation. The function will test the following normalizing transformations:
performs an arcsinh transformation.boxcox
Perform a Box-Cox transformation and center/scale a vector to attempt normalization.boxcox
estimates the optimal value of lambda for the Box-Cox transformation. The function will return an error if a user attempt to transform nonpositive data.yeojohnson
Perform a Yeo-Johnson Transformation and center/scale a vector to attempt normalization.yeojohnson
estimates the optimal value of lambda for the Yeo-Johnson transformation. The Yeo-Johnson is similar to the Box-Cox method, however it allows for the transformation of nonpositive data as well.orderNorm
The Ordered Quantile (ORQ) normalization transformation,orderNorm()
, is a rank-based procedure by which the values of a vector are mapped to their percentile, which is then mapped to the same percentile of the normal distribution. Without the presence of ties, this essentially guarantees that the transformation leads to a uniform distribution.log_x
performs a simple log transformation. The parameter a is essentially estimated by the training set by default (estimated as the minimum possible to some extent epsilon), while the base must be specified beforehand. The default base of the log is 10.sqrt_x
performs a simple square-root transformation. The parameter a is essentially estimated by the training set by default (estimated as the minimum possible), while the base must be specified beforehand.exp_x
performs a simple exponential transformation.
See this GitHub issue (#5) for a description on getting reproducible results. Apparently, you can get different results because the bestNormalize()
function uses repeated cross-validation (and doesn’t automatically set the seed), so the results will be slightly different each time the function is executed.
Show the chosen transformations
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of AST ##
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
25.800 26.275 28.800 30.280 41.770
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of H2O ##
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
0.204 0.308 0.370 0.384 0.401
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of Al ##
Standardized asinh(x) Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs.:
Relevant statistics:
- mean (before standardization) = 0.0059997
- sd (before standardization) = 0.008280287
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of Ca ##
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and ties
- 10 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
25.49 27.19 29.23 34.36 39.79
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of Fe ##
Standardized asinh(x) Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs.:
Relevant statistics:
- mean (before standardization) = 0.0119984
- sd (before standardization) = 0.01264569
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of TEB ##
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and ties
- 10 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
41.6 43.3 45.1 51.4 61.7
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of ECEC ##
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and ties
- 10 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
41.7 43.3 45.3 51.5 61.8
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of minNO3 ##
Standardized Box Cox Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs.:
Estimated statistics:
- lambda = -0.3344538
- mean (before standardization) = 1.907818
- sd (before standardization) = 0.2388776
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of minTIN ##
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and ties
- 14 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
8.760 14.995 23.080 39.935 110.750
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of DOC ##
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
30.800 44.070 56.680 64.385 118.740
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of DOCN ##
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
9.440 10.290 11.150 12.095 19.270
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of micCN ##
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and ties
- 14 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
4.420 4.585 4.720 5.415 5.850
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of BG_ase ##
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
3.010 3.735 4.220 5.795 10.480
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of BP_ase ##
Standardized Log_b(x + a) Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs.:
Relevant statistics:
- a = 0
- b = 10
- mean (before standardization) = 0.5217757
- sd (before standardization) = 0.2001498
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of CE_ase ##
Standardized Log_b(x + a) Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs.:
Relevant statistics:
- a = 0
- b = 10
- mean (before standardization) = 0.03306978
- sd (before standardization) = 0.1652591
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of P_ase ##
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
13.020 15.130 19.210 24.455 44.040
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of N_ase ##
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
2.57 2.93 3.58 5.04 9.43
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of XY_ase ##
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and ties
- 13 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
0.66 0.81 1.11 1.39 2.52
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of BG_Q10 ##
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and ties
- 13 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
1.310 1.360 1.390 1.545 1.760
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of BP_Q10 ##
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and ties
- 11 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
1.340 1.415 1.440 1.530 1.740
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of CO2 ##
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and ties
- 14 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
2.080 4.370 5.270 10.585 40.470
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of PX_ase ##
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
81.250 95.565 119.750 218.370 339.600
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of PX_Q10 ##
Standardized Yeo-Johnson Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs.:
Estimated statistics:
- lambda = -4.999946
- mean (before standardization) = 0.1968247
- sd (before standardization) = 0.001294011
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of CUEcp ##
Standardized Box Cox Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs.:
Estimated statistics:
- lambda = -0.9999576
- mean (before standardization) = -4.229896
- sd (before standardization) = 0.9115063
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of PUE ##
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and ties
- 7 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
0.770 0.880 0.900 0.905 0.920
Show the complete bestNormalize
## Results of bestNormalize for AST ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 15 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 3.4
- Box-Cox: 1.8
- Center+scale: 4.2
- Exp(x): 21.2667
- Log_b(x+a): 3.4
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.2
- sqrt(x + a): 4.2
- Yeo-Johnson: 2.8667
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
25.800 26.275 28.800 30.280 41.770
## Results of bestNormalize for H2O ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 15 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 6.8667
- Box-Cox: 5.8
- Center+scale: 5.8
- Exp(x): 5.8
- Log_b(x+a): 6.0667
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.7333
- sqrt(x + a): 6.8667
- Yeo-Johnson: 5.8
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
0.204 0.308 0.370 0.384 0.401
## Results of bestNormalize for Al ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 15 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 8.2
- Center+scale: 8.2
- Exp(x): 8.2
- Log_b(x+a): 8.2
- orderNorm (ORQ): 8.2
- sqrt(x + a): 8.2
- Yeo-Johnson: 8.2
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
Standardized asinh(x) Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs.:
Relevant statistics:
- mean (before standardization) = 0.0059997
- sd (before standardization) = 0.008280287
## Results of bestNormalize for Ca ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 15 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 1.8
- Box-Cox: 1.8
- Center+scale: 3.4
- Exp(x): 18.0667
- Log_b(x+a): 1.8
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.2
- sqrt(x + a): 1.8
- Yeo-Johnson: 1.2667
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and ties
- 10 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
25.49 27.19 29.23 34.36 39.79
## Results of bestNormalize for Fe ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 15 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 6.3333
- Center+scale: 6.3333
- Exp(x): 6.3333
- Log_b(x+a): 6.3333
- orderNorm (ORQ): 6.3333
- sqrt(x + a): 6.3333
- Yeo-Johnson: 6.3333
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
Standardized asinh(x) Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs.:
Relevant statistics:
- mean (before standardization) = 0.0119984
- sd (before standardization) = 0.01264569
## Results of bestNormalize for TEB ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 15 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 2.3333
- Box-Cox: 1.2667
- Center+scale: 6.0667
- Exp(x): 18.0667
- Log_b(x+a): 2.3333
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.4667
- sqrt(x + a): 5.5333
- Yeo-Johnson: 1.5333
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and ties
- 10 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
41.6 43.3 45.1 51.4 61.7
## Results of bestNormalize for ECEC ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 15 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 1.2667
- Box-Cox: 1.2667
- Center+scale: 6.0667
- Exp(x): 18.0667
- Log_b(x+a): 1.2667
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.4667
- sqrt(x + a): 3.9333
- Yeo-Johnson: 1.5333
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and ties
- 10 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
41.7 43.3 45.3 51.5 61.8
## Results of bestNormalize for minNO3 ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 15 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 1.8
- Box-Cox: 1.2667
- Center+scale: 3.9333
- Exp(x): 21.2667
- Log_b(x+a): 1.8
- orderNorm (ORQ): 1.2667
- sqrt(x + a): 1.8
- Yeo-Johnson: 1.2667
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
Standardized Box Cox Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs.:
Estimated statistics:
- lambda = -0.3344538
- mean (before standardization) = 1.907818
- sd (before standardization) = 0.2388776
## Results of bestNormalize for minTIN ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 15 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 1.8
- Box-Cox: 1.8
- Center+scale: 3.9333
- Exp(x): 21.2667
- Log_b(x+a): 1.8
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.7333
- sqrt(x + a): 1.8
- Yeo-Johnson: 1.8
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and ties
- 14 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
8.760 14.995 23.080 39.935 110.750
## Results of bestNormalize for DOC ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 15 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 2.3333
- Box-Cox: 1.2667
- Center+scale: 2.8667
- Exp(x): 21.2667
- Log_b(x+a): 2.3333
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.4667
- sqrt(x + a): 2.8667
- Yeo-Johnson: 1.2667
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
30.800 44.070 56.680 64.385 118.740
## Results of bestNormalize for DOCN ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 15 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 2.3333
- Box-Cox: 0.7333
- Center+scale: 3.9333
- Exp(x): 21.2667
- Log_b(x+a): 2.3333
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.2
- sqrt(x + a): 3.1333
- Yeo-Johnson: 0.2
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
9.440 10.290 11.150 12.095 19.270
## Results of bestNormalize for micCN ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 15 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 3.1333
- Box-Cox: 3.1333
- Center+scale: 3.1333
- Exp(x): 5.5333
- Log_b(x+a): 3.1333
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.2
- sqrt(x + a): 3.1333
- Yeo-Johnson: 3.1333
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and ties
- 14 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
4.420 4.585 4.720 5.415 5.850
## Results of bestNormalize for BG_ase ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 15 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 2.8667
- Box-Cox: 2.3333
- Center+scale: 5
- Exp(x): 21.2667
- Log_b(x+a): 2.8667
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.4667
- sqrt(x + a): 2.8667
- Yeo-Johnson: 2.3333
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
3.010 3.735 4.220 5.795 10.480
## Results of bestNormalize for BP_ase ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 15 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 1.5333
- Box-Cox: 1.5333
- Center+scale: 3.1333
- Exp(x): 11.9333
- Log_b(x+a): 0.7333
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.7333
- sqrt(x + a): 3.1333
- Yeo-Johnson: 1.5333
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
Standardized Log_b(x + a) Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs.:
Relevant statistics:
- a = 0
- b = 10
- mean (before standardization) = 0.5217757
- sd (before standardization) = 0.2001498
## Results of bestNormalize for CE_ase ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 15 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 1
- Box-Cox: 0.7333
- Center+scale: 1.8
- Exp(x): 4.2
- Log_b(x+a): 0.4667
- orderNorm (ORQ): 1
- sqrt(x + a): 1
- Yeo-Johnson: 0.4667
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
Standardized Log_b(x + a) Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs.:
Relevant statistics:
- a = 0
- b = 10
- mean (before standardization) = 0.03306978
- sd (before standardization) = 0.1652591
## Results of bestNormalize for P_ase ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 15 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 2.0667
- Box-Cox: 1.2667
- Center+scale: 3.6667
- Exp(x): 21.2667
- Log_b(x+a): 2.0667
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.2
- sqrt(x + a): 2.3333
- Yeo-Johnson: 1.2667
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
13.020 15.130 19.210 24.455 44.040
## Results of bestNormalize for N_ase ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 15 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 1.2667
- Box-Cox: 1.8
- Center+scale: 3.1333
- Exp(x): 17.8
- Log_b(x+a): 1.2667
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.2
- sqrt(x + a): 3.1333
- Yeo-Johnson: 1.2667
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
2.57 2.93 3.58 5.04 9.43
## Results of bestNormalize for XY_ase ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 15 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 0.7333
- Box-Cox: 0.7333
- Center+scale: 2.8667
- Exp(x): 6.3333
- Log_b(x+a): 0.7333
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.2
- sqrt(x + a): 1.8
- Yeo-Johnson: 0.7333
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and ties
- 13 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
0.66 0.81 1.11 1.39 2.52
## Results of bestNormalize for BG_Q10 ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 15 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 2.3333
- Box-Cox: 2.3333
- Center+scale: 2.3333
- Exp(x): 6.0667
- Log_b(x+a): 2.3333
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.2
- sqrt(x + a): 2.3333
- Yeo-Johnson: 2.3333
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and ties
- 13 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
1.310 1.360 1.390 1.545 1.760
## Results of bestNormalize for BP_Q10 ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 15 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 2.6
- Box-Cox: 2.6
- Center+scale: 2.6
- Exp(x): 2.6
- Log_b(x+a): 2.6
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.7333
- sqrt(x + a): 2.6
- Yeo-Johnson: 2.3333
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and ties
- 11 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
1.340 1.415 1.440 1.530 1.740
## Results of bestNormalize for CO2 ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 15 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 1.5333
- Box-Cox: 2.6
- Center+scale: 11.9333
- Exp(x): 21.2667
- Log_b(x+a): 1.5333
- orderNorm (ORQ): 1.2667
- sqrt(x + a): 3.4
- Yeo-Johnson: 2.0667
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and ties
- 14 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
2.080 4.370 5.270 10.585 40.470
## Results of bestNormalize for PX_ase ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 15 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 2.3333
- Box-Cox: 1.2667
- Center+scale: 7.6667
- Exp(x): 21.2667
- Log_b(x+a): 2.3333
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.2
- sqrt(x + a): 2.8667
- Yeo-Johnson: 1.2667
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
81.250 95.565 119.750 218.370 339.600
## Results of bestNormalize for PX_Q10 ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 15 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 14.6
- Box-Cox: 4.2
- Center+scale: 21.2667
- Exp(x): 21.2667
- Log_b(x+a): 11.9333
- orderNorm (ORQ): 2.0667
- sqrt(x + a): 21.2667
- Yeo-Johnson: 1.5333
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
Standardized Yeo-Johnson Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs.:
Estimated statistics:
- lambda = -4.999946
- mean (before standardization) = 0.1968247
- sd (before standardization) = 0.001294011
## Results of bestNormalize for CUEcp ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 15 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 3.9333
- Box-Cox: 1.5333
- Center+scale: 3.9333
- Exp(x): 3.9333
- Log_b(x+a): 2.0667
- orderNorm (ORQ): 1.5333
- sqrt(x + a): 2.0667
- Yeo-Johnson: 2.0667
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
Standardized Box Cox Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs.:
Estimated statistics:
- lambda = -0.9999576
- mean (before standardization) = -4.229896
- sd (before standardization) = 0.9115063
## Results of bestNormalize for PUE ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 15 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 8.2
- Box-Cox: 9.8
- Center+scale: 8.2
- Exp(x): 3.9333
- Log_b(x+a): 9.8
- orderNorm (ORQ): 2.0667
- sqrt(x + a): 9.8
- Yeo-Johnson: 9.8
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 15 nonmissing obs and ties
- 7 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
0.770 0.880 0.900 0.905 0.920
Great, now we can add the normalized transformed data back to our mctoolsr
metadata file.
And rerun the Shapiro Tests.
temp_md_norm <- ssu18_select_mc_norm$map_loaded
temp_md_norm[,1:9] <- NULL
shap_results_norm <- NULL
for (i in colnames(temp_md_norm)) {
tmp_shap <- shapiro.test(temp_md_norm[[i]])
tmp_p <- round(tmp_shap$p.value, digits = 5)
tmp_res <- eval(isTRUE(tmp_shap$p.value < 0.05))
shap_results_norm <- rbind(shap_results_norm, data.frame(i, tmp_p, tmp_res))
rm(list = ls(pattern = "tmp_"))
colnames(shap_results_norm) <- c("parameter", "p-value", "tranform")
rm(list = ls(pattern = "temp_md_norm"))
And check if there are any parameters that are still significant for the normality test.
shap_results$parameter[shap_results_norm$tranform == TRUE]
[1] "Al" "Fe"
Ok. Looks like bestNormalize
was unable to find a suitable transformation for Al
and Fe
. This is likely because there is very little variation in these metadata and/or there are too few significant digits.
Normalized Metadata
Finally, here is a new summary table that includes all of the normalized data.
(16S rRNA) Table 3 | Results of bestNormalize function applied to each parameter.
Autocorrelation Tests
Next, we test the metadata for autocorrelations. Do we do this on the original data or the transformed data? No idea, so let’s do both.
Split Metadata
We need to split the data into different groups.
- Environmental and edaphic properties
- Microbial functional responses
- Temperature adaptation properties
We first create lists of metadata parameters.
div <- c("PLOT", "TREAT", "TREAT_T", "PAIR", "Observed", "Shannon_exp",
"InvSimpson", "ATAP")
edaphic <- c("AST", "H2O", "N", "P", "Al",
"Ca", "Fe", "K", "Mg", "Mn", "Na", "TEB", "ECEC", "pH",
"NH4", "NO3", "PO4", "DOC", "DON", "DOCN")
soil_funct <- c("micC", "micN", "micP", "micCN", "micCP", "micNP",
"AG_ase", "BG_ase", "BP_ase", "CE_ase", "P_ase", "N_ase",
"S_ase", "XY_ase", "LP_ase", "PX_ase", "CO2",
"enzCN", "enzCP", "enzNP")
temp_adapt <- c("AG_Q10", "BG_Q10", "BP_Q10", "CE_Q10", "P_Q10", "N_Q10",
"S_Q10", "XY_Q10", "LP_Q10", "PX_Q10", "CUEcn", "CUEcp",
"NUE","PUE", "Tmin", "SI")
md_groups <- c("edaphic", "soil_funct", "temp_adapt")
# NoT uSed: minPO4, minNH4, minNO3, minTIN
And then use the lists to split the data sets by metadata group. Here, we do this for the original metadata and the metadata after normalization.
select_md <- c("ssu18_select_mc", "ssu18_select_mc_norm")
for (i in select_md) {
#tmp_get <- get(purrr::map_chr(i, ~ paste0(i, "_mc")))
tmp_get <- get(i)
tmp_md_all <- tmp_get$map_loaded
tmp_div <- tmp_md_all %>% dplyr::select(all_of(div))
tmp_div <- tmp_div %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("SampleID")
## edaphic
tmp_sub_edaphic <- tmp_md_all %>% dplyr::select(all_of(edaphic))
tmp_sub_edaphic <- tmp_sub_edaphic %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("SampleID")
tmp_edaphic <- dplyr::left_join(tmp_div, tmp_sub_edaphic, by = "SampleID")
tmp_edaphic <- tmp_edaphic %>% tibble::column_to_rownames("SampleID")
## soil_funct
tmp_sub_soil_funct <- tmp_md_all %>% dplyr::select(all_of(soil_funct))
tmp_sub_soil_funct <- tmp_sub_soil_funct %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("SampleID")
tmp_soil_funct <- dplyr::left_join(tmp_div, tmp_sub_soil_funct, by = "SampleID")
tmp_soil_funct <- tmp_soil_funct %>% tibble::column_to_rownames("SampleID")
## temp_adapt
tmp_sub_temp_adapt <- tmp_md_all %>% dplyr::select(all_of(temp_adapt))
tmp_sub_temp_adapt <- tmp_sub_temp_adapt %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("SampleID")
tmp_temp_adapt <- dplyr::left_join(tmp_div, tmp_sub_temp_adapt, by = "SampleID")
tmp_temp_adapt <- tmp_temp_adapt %>% tibble::column_to_rownames("SampleID")
## combine
tmp_list <- list(data_loaded = ssu18_select_mc$data_loaded,
map_loaded = ssu18_select_mc$map_loaded,
taxonomy_loaded = ssu18_select_mc$taxonomy_loaded,
edaphic = tmp_edaphic,
soil_funct = tmp_soil_funct,
temp_adapt = tmp_temp_adapt)
tmp_name <- purrr::map_chr(i, ~ paste0(., "_split"))
assign(tmp_name, tmp_list)
rm(list = ls(pattern = "tmp_"))
Generate Autocorrelation Plots
A little housekeeping to get rid of parameters we don’t need (e.g., plot number, pair, etc.).
edaphic_cor <- ssu18_select_mc_split$edaphic
edaphic_cor[,1:8] <- NULL
edaphic_norm_cor <- ssu18_select_mc_norm_split$edaphic
edaphic_norm_cor[,1:8] <- NULL
soil_funct_cor <- ssu18_select_mc_split$soil_funct
soil_funct_cor[,1:8] <- NULL
soil_funct_norm_cor <- ssu18_select_mc_norm_split$soil_funct
soil_funct_norm_cor[,1:8] <- NULL
temp_adapt_cor <- ssu18_select_mc_split$temp_adapt
temp_adapt_cor[,1:8] <- NULL
temp_adapt_norm_cor <- ssu18_select_mc_norm_split$temp_adapt
temp_adapt_norm_cor[,1:8] <- NULL
And finally the code to create the plots.
for (i in objects(pattern = "_cor$")) {
tmp_get <- get(i)
tmp_cormat <- round(cor(tmp_get), 2)
tmp_melted_cormat <- reshape2::melt(tmp_cormat)
tmp_get_lower_tri <- function(tmp_cormat){
tmp_cormat[upper.tri(tmp_cormat)] <- NA
# Get upper triangle of the correlation matrix
tmp_get_upper_tri <- function(tmp_cormat){
tmp_cormat[lower.tri(tmp_cormat)] <- NA
tmp_upper_tri <- tmp_get_upper_tri(tmp_cormat)
tmp_melted_cormat <- reshape2::melt(tmp_upper_tri, na.rm = TRUE)
ggplot(data = tmp_melted_cormat, aes(x = Var1, y = Var2, fill = value)) +
tmp_ggheatmap <- ggplot(data = tmp_melted_cormat, aes(Var2, Var1, fill = value)) +
geom_tile(color = "white") +
scale_fill_gradient2(low = "blue", high = "red", mid = "white",
midpoint = 0, limit = c(-1,1), space = "Lab",
name="Pearson\nCorrelation") +
theme_minimal() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 1,
size = 7, hjust = 1),
axis.text.y = element_text(vjust = 1, size = 7, hjust = 1)) +
coord_fixed() +
geom_text(aes(Var2, Var1, label = value), color = "black", size = 1.75) +
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.title.y = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_blank(),
axis.ticks = element_blank(),
legend.justification = c(1, 0),
legend.position = c(0.6, 0.7),
legend.direction = "horizontal") +
guides(fill = guide_colorbar(barwidth = 7, barheight = 1,
title.position = "top",
title.hjust = 0.5))
tmp_name <- purrr::map_chr(i, ~ paste0(., "_ggheatmap"))
assign(tmp_name, tmp_ggheatmap)
rm(list = ls(pattern = "tmp_"))
objects(pattern = "_ggheatmap")
Autocorrelation Plots
(16S rRNA) Figure 1 | Results of autocorrelation analysis for non-normalized Environmental and edaphic parameters.
(16S rRNA) Figure 2 | Results of autocorrelation analysis for normalized Environmental and edaphic parameters.
(16S rRNA) Figure 3 | Results of autocorrelation analysis for non-normalized Functional response parameters.
(16S rRNA) Figure 4 | Results of autocorrelation analysis for normalized Functional response parameters.
(16S rRNA) Figure 5 | Results of autocorrelation analysis for non-normalized Temperature adaptation parameters.
(16S rRNA) Figure 6 | Results of autocorrelation analysis for normalized Temperature adaptation parameters.
Now we can remove parameters based on the autocorrelation analysis:
- Environmental and edaphic properties: TEB, DON, Na, Al, Ca.
- Microbial functional responses: micN, micNP, enzCN, enzCP, BPase, CEase, LPase, Nase, Pase.
- Temperature adaptation properties: NUE, PUE, SI.
tmp_df <- ssu18_select_mc_split
tmp_df$edaphic <- tmp_df$edaphic[, ! names(tmp_df$edaphic) %in% edaphic_remove]
tmp_df$soil_funct <- tmp_df$soil_funct[, ! names(tmp_df$soil_funct) %in% soil_funct_remove]
tmp_df$temp_adapt <- tmp_df$temp_adapt[, ! names(tmp_df$temp_adapt) %in% temp_adapt_remove]
ssu18_select_mc_split_no_ac <- tmp_df
rm(list = ls(pattern = "tmp_"))
tmp_df <- ssu18_select_mc_norm_split
tmp_df$edaphic <- tmp_df$edaphic[, ! names(tmp_df$edaphic) %in% edaphic_remove]
tmp_df$soil_funct <- tmp_df$soil_funct[, ! names(tmp_df$soil_funct) %in% soil_funct_remove]
tmp_df$temp_adapt <- tmp_df$temp_adapt[, ! names(tmp_df$temp_adapt) %in% temp_adapt_remove]
ssu18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac <- tmp_df
rm(list = ls(pattern = "tmp_"))
Dissimilarity Correlation Tests
Let’s see if any on the metadata groups are significantly correlated with the community data. Basically, we create distance matrices for the community data and each metadata group and then run Mantel tests for all comparisons. For the community data we calculate Bray-Curtis distances for the community data and Euclidean distances for the metadata. We use the function mantel.test
from the ape
package and mantel
from the vegan
package for the analyses.
In summary, we test both mantel.test
and mantel
on Bray-Curtis distance community distances against Euclidean distances for each metadata group (edaphic
, soil_funct
, temp_adapt
) a) before normalizing and before removing autocorrelated parameters, b) before normalizing and after removing autocorrelated parameters, c) after normalizing and before removing autocorrelated parameters, and d) after normalizing and after removing autocorrelated parameters.
man_df <- c("ssu18_select_mc_split", "ssu18_select_mc_split_no_ac",
"ssu18_select_mc_norm_split", "ssu18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac")
for (i in man_df) {
tmp_get <- get(i)
tmp_dm_otu <- as.matrix(vegdist(t(tmp_get$data_loaded),
method = "bray", binary = FALSE,
diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE))
tmp_dm_md_edaphic <- as.matrix(vegdist(tmp_get$edaphic[, 8:ncol(tmp_get$edaphic)],
method ="euclidean", binary = FALSE,
diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE))
tmp_man1_edaphic <- mantel.test(tmp_dm_otu, tmp_dm_md_edaphic, nperm = 999,
graph = FALSE, alternative = "two.sided")
tmp_man2_edaphic <- mantel(tmp_dm_otu, tmp_dm_md_edaphic, permutations = 999)
tmp_dm_md_soil_funct <- as.matrix(vegdist(tmp_get$soil_funct[, 8:ncol(tmp_get$soil_funct)],
method = "euclidean", binary = FALSE,
diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE))
tmp_man1_soil_funct <- mantel.test(tmp_dm_otu, tmp_dm_md_soil_funct, nperm = 999,
graph = FALSE, alternative = "two.sided")
tmp_man2_soil_funct <- mantel(tmp_dm_otu, tmp_dm_md_soil_funct, permutations = 999)
tmp_dm_md_temp_adapt <- as.matrix(vegdist(tmp_get$temp_adapt[, 8:ncol(tmp_get$temp_adapt)],
method = "euclidean", binary = FALSE,
diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE))
tmp_man1_temp_adapt <- mantel.test(tmp_dm_otu, tmp_dm_md_temp_adapt, nperm = 999,
graph = FALSE, alternative = "two.sided")
tmp_man2_temp_adapt <- mantel(tmp_dm_otu, tmp_dm_md_temp_adapt, permutations = 999)
tmp_name <- purrr::map_chr(i, ~ paste0(., "_mantel_tests"))
tmp_df <- list(edaphic_ape_man = tmp_man1_edaphic,
edaphic_vegan_man = tmp_man2_edaphic,
soil_funct_ape_man = tmp_man1_soil_funct,
soil_funct_vegan_man = tmp_man2_soil_funct,
temp_adapt_ape_man = tmp_man1_temp_adapt,
temp_adapt_vegan_man = tmp_man2_temp_adapt)
assign(tmp_name, tmp_df)
rm(list = ls(pattern = "tmp_"))
Dissimilarity Correlation Results
(16S rRNA) Table 4 | Summary of Dissimilarity Correlation Tests using mantel.test
from the ape package and mantel
from the vegan. P-values in red indicate significance (p-value < 0.05)
Moving on.
Best Subset of Variables
Now we want to know which of the metadata parameters are the most strongly correlated with the community data. For this we use the bioenv
function from the vegan
package. bioenv
—Best Subset of Environmental Variables with Maximum (Rank) Correlation with Community Dissimilarities—finds the best subset of environmental variables, so that the Euclidean distances of scaled environmental variables have the maximum (rank) correlation with community dissimilarities.
Next we will use the metadata set where autocorrelated parameters were removed and the remainder of the parameters were normalized (where applicable based on the Shapiro tests).
We run bioenv
against the three groups of metadata parameters. We then run bioenv
again, but this time against the individual parameters identified as significantly correlated.
Edaphic Properties
tmp_comm <- data.frame(t(ssu18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac$data_loaded))
tmp_env <- data.frame(ssu18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac$edaphic)
tmp_env[,1:8] <- NULL
edaphic_bioenv <- bioenv(wisconsin(tmp_comm), tmp_env,
method = "spearman", index = "bray",
upto = ncol(tmp_env), metric = "euclidean")
bioenv_list <- edaphic_bioenv$models[[edaphic_bioenv$whichbest]]$best
bioenv_best <- bioenvdist(edaphic_bioenv, which = "best")
for (i in bioenv_list) {
tmp_dp <- data.frame(edaphic_bioenv$x)
tmp_md <- as.matrix(vegdist(tmp_dp[[i]],
method = "euclidean", binary = FALSE,
diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE))
tmp_man <- mantel(bioenv_best, tmp_md,
permutations = 999, method = "spearman")
tmp_md_name <- names(tmp_dp)[[i]]
tmp_name <- purrr::map_chr(tmp_md_name, ~ paste0(., "_bioenv_mantel_test"))
assign(tmp_name, tmp_man)
rm(list = ls(pattern = "tmp_"))
objects(pattern = "_bioenv_mantel_test")
edaphic_bioenv_ind_mantel <- list(AST = AST_bioenv_mantel_test)
rm(list = ls(pattern = "_bioenv_mantel_test"))
bioenv(comm = wisconsin(tmp_comm), env = tmp_env, method = "spearman", index = "bray", upto = ncol(tmp_env), metric = "euclidean")
Subset of environmental variables with best correlation to community data.
Correlations: spearman
Dissimilarities: bray
Metric: euclidean
Best model has 1 parameters (max. 15 allowed):
with correlation 0.6808861
Show the results of individual edaphic metadata Mantel tests
Mantel statistic based on Spearman's rank correlation rho
mantel(xdis = bioenv_best, ydis = tmp_md, method = "spearman", permutations = 999)
Mantel statistic r: 1
Significance: 0.001
Upper quantiles of permutations (null model):
90% 95% 97.5% 99%
0.177 0.226 0.271 0.326
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 999
found the following edaphic properties significantly correlated with the community data: AST
Soil Functional Response
tmp_comm <- data.frame(t(ssu18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac$data_loaded))
tmp_env <- data.frame(ssu18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac$soil_funct)
tmp_env[,1:8] <- NULL
soil_funct_bioenv <- bioenv(wisconsin(tmp_comm), tmp_env,
method = "spearman", index = "bray",
upto = ncol(tmp_env), metric = "euclidean")
bioenv_list <- soil_funct_bioenv$models[[soil_funct_bioenv$whichbest]]$best
bioenv_best <- bioenvdist(soil_funct_bioenv, which = "best")
for (i in bioenv_list) {
tmp_dp <- data.frame(soil_funct_bioenv$x)
tmp_md <- as.matrix(vegdist(tmp_dp[[i]],
method = "euclidean", binary = FALSE,
diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE))
tmp_man <- mantel(bioenv_best, tmp_md,
permutations = 999, method = "spearman")
tmp_md_name <- names(tmp_dp)[[i]]
tmp_name <- purrr::map_chr(tmp_md_name, ~ paste0(., "_bioenv_mantel_test"))
assign(tmp_name, tmp_man)
rm(list = ls(pattern = "tmp_"))
objects(pattern = "_bioenv_mantel_test")
soil_funct_bioenv_ind_mantel <- list(AG_ase = AG_ase_bioenv_mantel_test,
enzNP = enzNP_bioenv_mantel_test,
S_ase = S_ase_bioenv_mantel_test,
PX_ase = PX_ase_bioenv_mantel_test,
XY_ase = XY_ase_bioenv_mantel_test)
rm(list = ls(pattern = "_bioenv_mantel_test"))
bioenv(comm = wisconsin(tmp_comm), env = tmp_env, method = "spearman", index = "bray", upto = ncol(tmp_env), metric = "euclidean")
Subset of environmental variables with best correlation to community data.
Correlations: spearman
Dissimilarities: bray
Metric: euclidean
Best model has 5 parameters (max. 11 allowed):
AG_ase S_ase XY_ase PX_ase enzNP
with correlation 0.7727866
Show the results of individual functional response metadata Mantel tests
Mantel statistic based on Spearman's rank correlation rho
mantel(xdis = bioenv_best, ydis = tmp_md, method = "spearman", permutations = 999)
Mantel statistic r: 0.5588
Significance: 0.001
Upper quantiles of permutations (null model):
90% 95% 97.5% 99%
0.186 0.235 0.281 0.330
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 999
Mantel statistic based on Spearman's rank correlation rho
mantel(xdis = bioenv_best, ydis = tmp_md, method = "spearman", permutations = 999)
Mantel statistic r: 0.4623
Significance: 0.006
Upper quantiles of permutations (null model):
90% 95% 97.5% 99%
0.219 0.280 0.336 0.413
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 999
Mantel statistic based on Spearman's rank correlation rho
mantel(xdis = bioenv_best, ydis = tmp_md, method = "spearman", permutations = 999)
Mantel statistic r: 0.6139
Significance: 0.001
Upper quantiles of permutations (null model):
90% 95% 97.5% 99%
0.223 0.305 0.384 0.466
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 999
Mantel statistic based on Spearman's rank correlation rho
mantel(xdis = bioenv_best, ydis = tmp_md, method = "spearman", permutations = 999)
Mantel statistic r: 0.6115
Significance: 0.001
Upper quantiles of permutations (null model):
90% 95% 97.5% 99%
0.176 0.222 0.289 0.346
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 999
Mantel statistic based on Spearman's rank correlation rho
mantel(xdis = bioenv_best, ydis = tmp_md, method = "spearman", permutations = 999)
Mantel statistic r: 0.456
Significance: 0.002
Upper quantiles of permutations (null model):
90% 95% 97.5% 99%
0.189 0.258 0.304 0.347
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 999
found the following soil functions significantly correlated with the community data: AG_ase, enzNP, S_ase, PX_ase, XY_ase
Temperature Adaptation
tmp_comm <- data.frame(t(ssu18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac$data_loaded))
tmp_env <- data.frame(ssu18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac$temp_adapt)
tmp_env[,1:8] <- NULL
temp_adapt_bioenv <- bioenv(wisconsin(tmp_comm), tmp_env,
method = "spearman", index = "bray",
upto = ncol(tmp_env), metric = "euclidean")
bioenv_list <- temp_adapt_bioenv$models[[temp_adapt_bioenv$whichbest]]$best
bioenv_best <- bioenvdist(temp_adapt_bioenv, which = "best")
for (i in bioenv_list) {
tmp_dp <- data.frame(temp_adapt_bioenv$x)
tmp_md <- as.matrix(vegdist(tmp_dp[[i]],
method = "euclidean", binary = FALSE,
diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE))
tmp_man <- mantel(bioenv_best, tmp_md,
permutations = 999, method = "spearman")
tmp_md_name <- names(tmp_dp)[[i]]
tmp_name <- purrr::map_chr(tmp_md_name, ~ paste0(., "_bioenv_mantel_test"))
assign(tmp_name, tmp_man)
rm(list = ls(pattern = "tmp_"))
objects(pattern = "_bioenv_mantel_test")
temp_adapt_bioenv_ind_mantel <- list(CUEcp = CUEcp_bioenv_mantel_test,
LP_Q10 = LP_Q10_bioenv_mantel_test,
P_Q10 = P_Q10_bioenv_mantel_test,
S_Q10 = S_Q10_bioenv_mantel_test,
Tmin = Tmin_bioenv_mantel_test)
rm(list = ls(pattern = "_bioenv_mantel_test"))
bioenv(comm = wisconsin(tmp_comm), env = tmp_env, method = "spearman", index = "bray", upto = ncol(tmp_env), metric = "euclidean")
Subset of environmental variables with best correlation to community data.
Correlations: spearman
Dissimilarities: bray
Metric: euclidean
Best model has 5 parameters (max. 13 allowed):
P_Q10 S_Q10 LP_Q10 CUEcp Tmin
with correlation 0.4237093
Show the results of individual temperature adaptation metadata Mantel tests
Mantel statistic based on Spearman's rank correlation rho
mantel(xdis = bioenv_best, ydis = tmp_md, method = "spearman", permutations = 999)
Mantel statistic r: 0.325
Significance: 0.013
Upper quantiles of permutations (null model):
90% 95% 97.5% 99%
0.188 0.226 0.280 0.331
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 999
Mantel statistic based on Spearman's rank correlation rho
mantel(xdis = bioenv_best, ydis = tmp_md, method = "spearman", permutations = 999)
Mantel statistic r: 0.3772
Significance: 0.005
Upper quantiles of permutations (null model):
90% 95% 97.5% 99%
0.203 0.272 0.306 0.351
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 999
Mantel statistic based on Spearman's rank correlation rho
mantel(xdis = bioenv_best, ydis = tmp_md, method = "spearman", permutations = 999)
Mantel statistic r: 0.5177
Significance: 0.001
Upper quantiles of permutations (null model):
90% 95% 97.5% 99%
0.158 0.211 0.261 0.309
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 999
Mantel statistic based on Spearman's rank correlation rho
mantel(xdis = bioenv_best, ydis = tmp_md, method = "spearman", permutations = 999)
Mantel statistic r: 0.4395
Significance: 0.001
Upper quantiles of permutations (null model):
90% 95% 97.5% 99%
0.159 0.205 0.252 0.301
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 999
Mantel statistic based on Spearman's rank correlation rho
mantel(xdis = bioenv_best, ydis = tmp_md, method = "spearman", permutations = 999)
Mantel statistic r: 0.4044
Significance: 0.005
Upper quantiles of permutations (null model):
90% 95% 97.5% 99%
0.207 0.267 0.305 0.359
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 999
found the following temperature adaptations significantly correlated with the community data: CUEcp, LP_Q10, P_Q10, S_Q10, Tmin
Distance-based Redundancy
Now we turn our attention to distance-based redundancy analysis (dbRDA), an ordination method similar to Redundancy Analysis (rda) but it allows non-Euclidean dissimilarity indices, such as Manhattan or Bray–Curtis distance. For this, we use capscale
from the vegan
package. capscale
is a constrained versions of metric scaling (principal coordinates analysis), which are based on the Euclidean distance but can be used, and are more useful, with other dissimilarity measures. The functions can also perform unconstrained principal coordinates analysis, optionally using extended dissimilarities.
For each of the three metadata subsets, we perform the following steps:
- Run
to compare metadata and community dissimilarity indices for gradient detection. This will help us select the best dissimilarity metric to use. - Run
for distance-based redundancy analysis. - Run
to fit environmental parameters onto the ordination. This function basically calculates correlation scores between the metadata parameters and the ordination axes. - Select metadata parameters significant for
(see above) and/orenvfit
analyses. - Run
on ASVs. - Plot the ordination and vector overlays.
Edaphic Properties
tmp_md <- ssu18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac$edaphic
tmp_md$TREAT_T <- as.character(tmp_md$TREAT_T)
tmp_comm <- data.frame(t(ssu18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac$data_loaded))
edaphic_rank <- rankindex(tmp_md[, 8:ncol(tmp_md)], tmp_comm,
indices = c("euc", "man", "gow","bra", "kul"),
stepacross = FALSE, method = "spearman")
euc man gow bra kul
0.3171263 0.4336927 0.1028302 0.4336927 0.4336927
Let’s run capscale
using Bray-Curtis. Note, we have 15 metadata parameters in this group but, for some reason, capscale
only works with 13 parameters. This may have to do with degrees of freedom?
- Starting properties: AST, H2O, N, P, Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, TEB, ECEC, pH, NH4, NO3, PO4, DOC, DON, DOCN
- Autocorrelated removed: TEB, DON, Na, Al, Ca
- Remove for capscale: Mg, Mn
edaphic_cap <- capscale(tmp_comm ~ AST + H2O + N + P + Fe + K + ECEC +
pH + NH4 + NO3 + PO4 + DOC + DOCN,
tmp_md, dist = "bray")
Call: capscale(formula = tmp_comm ~ AST + H2O + N + P + Fe + K + ECEC +
pH + NH4 + NO3 + PO4 + DOC + DOCN, data = tmp_md, distance = "bray")
Inertia Proportion Rank
Total 1.67890 1.00000
Constrained 1.63037 0.97110 13
Unconstrained 0.04853 0.02890 1
Inertia is squared Bray distance
Species scores projected from 'tmp_comm'
Eigenvalues for constrained axes:
0.6287 0.2955 0.1984 0.1104 0.1085 0.0661 0.0536 0.0511 0.0359 0.0277 0.0247
0.0218 0.0080
Eigenvalues for unconstrained axes:
Now we can look at the variance against each principal component.
And then make some quick and dirty plots. This will also come in handy later when we need to parse out data a better plot visualization. The ggplot
function autoplot
stores these data in a more accessible way than the raw results from capscale
Next, we need to grab capscale scores for the samples and create a data frame of the first two dimensions. We will also need to add some of the sample details to the data frame. For this we use the vegan function scores
which gets species or site scores from the ordination.
tmp_samp_scores <- dplyr::filter(tmp_auto_plt$plot_env$obj, Score == "sites")
tmp_samp_scores[,1] <- NULL
tmp_samp_scores <- tmp_samp_scores %>% dplyr::rename(SampleID = Label)
tmp_md_sub <- tmp_md[, 1:4]
tmp_md_sub <- tmp_md_sub %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("SampleID")
edaphic_plot_data <- dplyr::left_join(tmp_md_sub, tmp_samp_scores, by = "SampleID")
Now we have a new data frame that contains sample details and capscale values.
1 P10_D00_010_C0E P10 C 0 E -0.51023381 0.16071056348
2 P02_D00_010_C0A P02 C 0 A -0.48448722 -0.19055366181
3 P04_D00_010_C0B P04 C 0 B -0.58218619 0.02325887477
4 P06_D00_010_C0C P06 C 0 C -0.53370906 0.09973976767
5 P08_D00_010_C0D P08 C 0 D -0.68492943 0.13143857676
6 P01_D00_010_W3A P01 W 3 A -0.13286443 -0.28661650806
7 P03_D00_010_W3B P03 W 3 B -0.25415783 0.00002258673
8 P05_D00_010_W3C P05 W 3 C -0.38829574 -0.08695154559
9 P07_D00_010_W3D P07 W 3 D -0.01360582 -0.49632449304
10 P09_D00_010_W3E P09 W 3 E -0.10639798 -0.54219706978
11 P01_D00_010_W8A P01 W 8 A 0.78689725 0.02214444812
12 P03_D00_010_W8B P03 W 8 B 0.89574754 -0.92786190328
13 P05_D00_010_W8C P05 W 8 C 1.07945322 -0.28874425650
14 P07_D00_010_W8D P07 W 8 D 0.41234456 0.75597843926
15 P09_D00_010_W8E P09 W 8 E 0.51642495 1.62595618128
We can then do the same with the metadata vectors. Here though we only need the scores and parameter name.
edaphic_md_scores <- dplyr::filter(tmp_auto_plt$plot_env$obj, Score == "biplot")
edaphic_md_scores[,1] <- NULL
edaphic_md_scores <- edaphic_md_scores %>%
dplyr::mutate(parameters = Label, .before = CAP1) %>%
parameters CAP1 CAP2
AST AST 0.97882379 -0.055074169
H2O H2O -0.76548607 -0.129779379
N N 0.38130076 -0.131035479
P P 0.26536024 -0.132125558
Fe Fe 0.12138586 0.353093177
K K -0.02490580 0.151975508
ECEC ECEC -0.15365335 0.379848234
pH pH -0.07327989 0.272676813
NH4 NH4 0.19922925 0.516074241
NO3 NO3 -0.27681227 0.288729283
PO4 PO4 -0.60140669 -0.009980058
DOC DOC -0.59979130 -0.399930429
DOCN DOCN 0.11210058 0.422975484
Let’s run some quick correlations of metadata with ordination axes to see which parameters are significant. For this we use the vegan function envfit
CAP1 CAP2 r2 Pr(>r)
AST 0.99825 -0.05912 0.8287 0.000999 ***
H2O -0.98657 -0.16333 0.5189 0.009990 **
N 0.94537 -0.32599 0.1403 0.398601
P 0.89518 -0.44571 0.0759 0.602398
Fe 0.32411 0.94602 0.1194 0.432567
K -0.16554 0.98620 0.0204 0.890110
ECEC -0.37874 0.92550 0.1444 0.368631
pH -0.26344 0.96468 0.0685 0.672328
NH4 0.35944 0.93317 0.2621 0.152847
NO3 -0.69392 0.72006 0.1380 0.417582
PO4 -0.99991 -0.01327 0.3118 0.090909 .
DOC -0.83396 -0.55183 0.4459 0.023976 *
DOCN 0.25463 0.96704 0.1640 0.318681
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 1000
edaphic_md_signif_hits <- base::subset(envfit_edaphic_md$vectors$pvals,
< 0.05 & envfit_edaphic_md$vectors$r > 0.4))
edaphic_md_signif_hits <- data.frame(edaphic_md_signif_hits)
edaphic_md_signif_hits <- rownames(edaphic_md_signif_hits)
edaphic_md_signif <- edaphic_md_scores[edaphic_md_scores$parameters %in% edaphic_md_signif_hits,]
found that AST, H2O, DOC were significantly correlated.
Now let’s see if the same parameters are significant for the envfit
and bioenv
[1] "Significant parameters from bioenv analysis."
[1] "AST"
[1] "Significant parameters from envfit analysis."
[1] "AST" "H2O" "DOC"
[1] "Found in bioenv but not envfit."
[1] "Found in envfit but not bioenv."
[1] "H2O" "DOC"
[1] "Found in envfit and bioenv."
[1] "AST" "H2O" "DOC"
new_edaphic_md_signif_hits <- edaphic_sig_diff
#new_edaphic_md_signif_hits <- append(edaphic_md_signif_hits, edaphic_sig_diff)
edaphic_md_signif_all <- edaphic_md_scores[edaphic_md_scores$parameters %in% new_edaphic_md_signif_hits,]
Check. Next, we run envfit
for the ASVs.
envfit_edaphic_asv <- envfit(tmp_samp_scores_sub,
tmp_comm[, order(colSums(-tmp_comm))][, 1:10],
perm = 1000, choices = c(1, 2))
edaphic_asv_scores <- dplyr::filter(tmp_auto_plt$plot_env$obj, Score == "species")
edaphic_asv_scores <- edaphic_asv_scores %>%
dplyr::mutate(parameters = Label, .before = CAP1) %>%
edaphic_asv_scores[,1] <- NULL
CAP1 CAP2 r2 Pr(>r)
ASV1 0.99502 0.09969 0.6491 0.005994 **
ASV2 0.54850 -0.83615 0.8984 0.000999 ***
ASV3 0.79245 0.60994 0.9429 0.000999 ***
ASV4 -0.12958 0.99157 0.2913 0.120879
ASV5 -0.56363 -0.82603 0.1586 0.362637
ASV6 -0.10651 0.99431 0.7559 0.000999 ***
ASV8 -0.84329 0.53746 0.4370 0.030969 *
ASV7 -0.52510 -0.85104 0.0681 0.655345
ASV9 0.51828 -0.85521 0.2559 0.185814
ASV10 -0.34456 0.93876 0.8331 0.000999 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 1000
edaphic_asv_signif_hits <- base::subset(envfit_edaphic_asv$vectors$pvals,
< 0.05 & envfit_edaphic_asv$vectors$r > 0.5))
edaphic_asv_signif_hits <- data.frame(edaphic_asv_signif_hits)
edaphic_asv_signif_hits <- rownames(edaphic_asv_signif_hits)
edaphic_asv_signif <- edaphic_asv_scores[edaphic_asv_scores$parameters %in% edaphic_asv_signif_hits,]
parameters CAP1 CAP2 variable_type
ASV3 ASV3 0.48974117 0.51152737 ASV
ASV6 ASV6 -0.02123424 0.24919713 ASV
ASV2 ASV2 0.23670463 -0.49287683 ASV
ASV10 ASV10 -0.02578511 0.09240257 ASV
ASV1 ASV1 1.18949655 0.17867402 ASV
edaphic_md_signif_all$variable_type <- "metadata"
edaphic_asv_signif$variable_type <- "ASV"
edaphic_bioplot_data <- rbind(edaphic_md_signif_all, edaphic_asv_signif)
The last thing to do is categorize parameters scores and ASV scores into different variable types for plotting.
Show the code for the plot
Soil Functional Response
tmp_md <- ssu18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac$soil_funct
tmp_md$TREAT_T <- as.character(tmp_md$TREAT_T)
tmp_comm <- data.frame(t(ssu18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac$data_loaded))
soil_funct_rank <- rankindex(tmp_md[, 8:ncol(tmp_md)], tmp_comm,
indices = c("euc", "man", "gow","bra", "kul"),
stepacross = FALSE, method = "spearman")
euc man gow bra kul
0.5840452 0.7341800 0.2168775 0.7341800 0.7341800
Let’s run capscale
using Bray-Curtis. Note, we have 11 metadata parameters in this group but, for some reason, capscale
only works with 13 parameters. This may have to do with degrees of freedom?
- Starting properties: micC, micN, micP, micCN, micCP, micNP, AG_ase, BG_ase, BP_ase, CE_ase, P_ase, N_ase, S_ase, XY_ase, LP_ase, PX_ase, CO2, enzCN, enzCP, enzNP
- Autocorrelated removed: micN, micNP, enzCN, enzCP, BP_ase, CE_ase, LP_ase, N_ase, P_ase
- Remove for capscale: NONE
soil_funct_cap <- capscale(tmp_comm ~ micC + micP + micCN + micCP + AG_ase + BG_ase +
S_ase + XY_ase + PX_ase + CO2 + enzNP,
tmp_md, dist = "bray")
Call: capscale(formula = tmp_comm ~ micC + micP + micCN + micCP +
AG_ase + BG_ase + S_ase + XY_ase + PX_ase + CO2 + enzNP, data = tmp_md,
distance = "bray")
Inertia Proportion Rank
Total 1.67890 1.00000
Constrained 1.52672 0.90936 11
Unconstrained 0.15218 0.09064 3
Inertia is squared Bray distance
Species scores projected from 'tmp_comm'
Eigenvalues for constrained axes:
0.6202 0.2950 0.1827 0.1164 0.0950 0.0555 0.0491 0.0468 0.0290 0.0246 0.0126
Eigenvalues for unconstrained axes:
0.06264 0.05568 0.03386
Now we can look at the variance against each principal component.
And then make some quick and dirty plots. This will also come in handy later when we need to parse out data a better plot visualization. The ggplot
function autoplot
stores these data in a more accessible way than the raw results from capscale
Next, we need to grab capscale scores for the samples and create a data frame of the first two dimensions. We will also need to add some of the sample details to the data frame. For this we use the vegan function scores
which gets species or site scores from the ordination.
tmp_samp_scores <- dplyr::filter(tmp_auto_plt$plot_env$obj, Score == "sites")
tmp_samp_scores[,1] <- NULL
tmp_samp_scores <- tmp_samp_scores %>% dplyr::rename(SampleID = Label)
tmp_md_sub <- tmp_md[, 1:4]
tmp_md_sub <- tmp_md_sub %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("SampleID")
soil_funct_plot_data <- dplyr::left_join(tmp_md_sub, tmp_samp_scores,
by = "SampleID")
Now we have a new data frame that contains sample details and capscale values.
1 P10_D00_010_C0E P10 C 0 E -0.53163678 0.19467717
2 P02_D00_010_C0A P02 C 0 A -0.49565928 -0.17246578
3 P04_D00_010_C0B P04 C 0 B -0.58149488 0.04815608
4 P06_D00_010_C0C P06 C 0 C -0.53700662 0.10581563
5 P08_D00_010_C0D P08 C 0 D -0.69408551 0.15871504
6 P01_D00_010_W3A P01 W 3 A -0.13789308 -0.32241637
7 P03_D00_010_W3B P03 W 3 B -0.23991258 -0.02936566
8 P05_D00_010_W3C P05 W 3 C -0.37861217 -0.07503400
9 P07_D00_010_W3D P07 W 3 D -0.01748558 -0.49326034
10 P09_D00_010_W3E P09 W 3 E -0.10498973 -0.54355896
11 P01_D00_010_W8A P01 W 8 A 0.78557974 0.01332924
12 P03_D00_010_W8B P03 W 8 B 0.89342218 -0.94105534
13 P05_D00_010_W8C P05 W 8 C 1.07904998 -0.30014637
14 P07_D00_010_W8D P07 W 8 D 0.41449841 0.74331915
15 P09_D00_010_W8E P09 W 8 E 0.54622591 1.61329051
We can then do the same with the metadata vectors. Here though we only need the scores and parameter name.
soil_funct_md_scores <- dplyr::filter(tmp_auto_plt$plot_env$obj, Score == "biplot")
soil_funct_md_scores[,1] <- NULL
soil_funct_md_scores <- soil_funct_md_scores %>%
dplyr::mutate(parameters = Label, .before = CAP1) %>%
parameters CAP1 CAP2
micC micC 0.05033428 0.3114850
micP micP -0.28522874 0.2555622
micCN micCN 0.18231162 -0.4195484
micCP micCP 0.23124711 -0.2302962
AG_ase AG_ase -0.26468219 0.6079572
BG_ase BG_ase 0.42574674 0.6072615
S_ase S_ase 0.29987944 0.7961890
XY_ase XY_ase 0.64821470 0.3027833
PX_ase PX_ase 0.80304377 0.3296233
CO2 CO2 0.68903357 -0.1628577
enzNP enzNP -0.77637066 0.1324578
Let’s run some quick correlations of metadata with ordination axes to see which parameters are significant. For this we use the vegan function envfit
tmp_samp_scores_sub <- soil_funct_plot_data[, 6:7]
tmp_samp_scores_sub <- as.matrix(tmp_samp_scores_sub)
tmp_param_list <- soil_funct_md_scores$parameters
tmp_md_sub <- subset(tmp_md, select = tmp_param_list)
envfit_soil_funct_md <- envfit(tmp_samp_scores_sub, tmp_md_sub,
perm = 1000, choices = c(1, 2))
CAP1 CAP2 r2 Pr(>r)
micC 0.16467 0.98635 0.1012 0.511489
micP -0.74314 0.66913 0.1473 0.385614
micCN 0.39228 -0.91985 0.2111 0.244755
micCP 0.70633 -0.70788 0.1070 0.504496
AG_ase -0.39292 0.91957 0.4435 0.025974 *
BG_ase 0.57346 0.81923 0.5604 0.006993 **
S_ase 0.35512 0.93482 0.7371 0.001998 **
XY_ase 0.90321 0.42921 0.5193 0.008991 **
PX_ase 0.92246 0.38609 0.7640 0.000999 ***
CO2 0.97421 -0.22565 0.5041 0.012987 *
enzNP -0.98661 0.16307 0.6242 0.003996 **
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 1000
soil_funct_md_signif_hits <- base::subset(envfit_soil_funct_md$vectors$pvals,
< 0.05 & envfit_soil_funct_md$vectors$r > 0.4))
soil_funct_md_signif_hits <- data.frame(soil_funct_md_signif_hits)
soil_funct_md_signif_hits <- rownames(soil_funct_md_signif_hits)
soil_funct_md_signif <- soil_funct_md_scores[soil_funct_md_scores$parameters %in%
found that AG_ase, BG_ase, S_ase, XY_ase, PX_ase, CO2, enzNP were significantly correlated.
Now let’s see if the same parameters are significant for the envfit
and bioenv
[1] "Significant parameters from bioenv analysis."
[1] "AG_ase" "enzNP" "S_ase" "PX_ase" "XY_ase"
[1] "Significant parameters from envfit analysis."
[1] "AG_ase" "BG_ase" "S_ase" "XY_ase" "PX_ase" "CO2" "enzNP"
[1] "Found in bioenv but not envfit."
[1] "Found in envfit but not bioenv."
[1] "BG_ase" "CO2"
[1] "Found in envfit and bioenv."
[1] "AG_ase" "BG_ase" "S_ase" "XY_ase" "PX_ase" "CO2" "enzNP"
#new_soil_funct_md_signif_hits <- append(soil_funct_md_signif_hits, soil_funct_sig_diff)
new_soil_funct_md_signif_hits <- soil_funct_sig_diff
soil_funct_md_signif_all <- soil_funct_md_scores[soil_funct_md_scores$parameters %in%
Check. Next, we run envfit
for the ASVs.
envfit_soil_funct_asv <- envfit(tmp_samp_scores_sub,
tmp_comm[, order(colSums(-tmp_comm))][, 1:10],
perm = 1000, choices = c(1, 2))
soil_funct_asv_scores <- dplyr::filter(tmp_auto_plt$plot_env$obj, Score == "species")
soil_funct_asv_scores <- soil_funct_asv_scores %>%
dplyr::mutate(parameters = Label, .before = CAP1) %>%
soil_funct_asv_scores[,1] <- NULL
CAP1 CAP2 r2 Pr(>r)
ASV1 0.99572 0.09244 0.6448 0.008991 **
ASV2 0.53392 -0.84554 0.9003 0.000999 ***
ASV3 0.80024 0.59968 0.9414 0.000999 ***
ASV4 -0.10124 0.99486 0.2814 0.142857
ASV5 -0.56790 -0.82310 0.1663 0.313686
ASV6 -0.08053 0.99675 0.7514 0.000999 ***
ASV8 -0.83447 0.55105 0.4303 0.017982 *
ASV7 -0.57807 -0.81599 0.0697 0.619381
ASV9 0.49314 -0.86995 0.2612 0.147852
ASV10 -0.32480 0.94578 0.8408 0.000999 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 1000
soil_funct_asv_signif_hits <- base::subset(envfit_soil_funct_asv$vectors$pvals,
< 0.05 & envfit_soil_funct_asv$vectors$r > 0.5))
soil_funct_asv_signif_hits <- data.frame(soil_funct_asv_signif_hits)
soil_funct_asv_signif_hits <- rownames(soil_funct_asv_signif_hits)
soil_funct_asv_signif <- soil_funct_asv_scores[soil_funct_asv_scores$parameters %in%
parameters CAP1 CAP2 variable_type
ASV3 ASV3 0.49966533 0.50499834 ASV
ASV6 ASV6 -0.01098408 0.25326180 ASV
ASV2 ASV2 0.22435017 -0.49303800 ASV
ASV10 ASV10 -0.02420323 0.09642322 ASV
ASV1 ASV1 1.17846608 0.16123440 ASV
soil_funct_md_signif_all$variable_type <- "metadata"
soil_funct_asv_signif$variable_type <- "ASV"
soil_funct_bioplot_data <- rbind(soil_funct_md_signif_all, soil_funct_asv_signif)
The last thing to do is categorize parameters scores and ASV scores into different variable types for plotting.
Show the code for the plot
soil_funct_cap_vals <- data.frame(soil_funct_cap$CCA$eig[1:2])
soil_funct_cap1 <- signif((soil_funct_cap_vals[1,] * 100), digits=3)
soil_funct_cap2 <- signif((soil_funct_cap_vals[2,] * 100), digits=3)
cpa1_lab <- paste("CAP1", " (", soil_funct_cap1, "%)", sep = "")
cpa2_lab <- paste("CAP2", " (", soil_funct_cap2, "%)", sep = "")
swel_col <- c("#2271B2", "#71B222", "#B22271")
soil_funct_plot <- ggplot(soil_funct_plot_data) +
geom_point(mapping = aes(x = CAP1, y = CAP2, shape = TREAT,
colour = TREAT_T), size = 4) +
scale_colour_manual(values = swel_col) +
# geom_text(data = soil_funct_plot_data, aes(x = CAP1, y = CAP2, #UNCOMMENT to add sample labels
# label = SampleID), size = 3) +
geom_segment(aes(x = 0, y = 0, xend = CAP1, yend = CAP2),
data = soil_funct_bioplot_data_md, linetype = "solid",
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.3, "cm")), size = 0.4,
color = "#191919") +
geom_text(data = soil_funct_bioplot_data_md,
aes(x = CAP1, y = CAP2, label = parameters), size = 3,
nudge_x = 0.1, nudge_y = 0.05) +
### This code adds ASV vectors, Uncomment to add
#geom_segment(aes(x = 0, y = 0, xend = CAP1, yend = CAP2),
# data = soil_funct_bioplot_data_asv, linetype = "solid",
# arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.3, "cm")), size = 0.2,
# color = "#676767") +
#geom_text(data = soil_funct_bioplot_data_asv,
# aes(x = CAP1, y = CAP2, label = parameters), size = 2.5,
# nudge_x = 0.05, nudge_y = 0.05) +
theme_classic(base_size = 12) +
labs(title = "Capscale Analysis",
subtitle = "Soil Functional Response",
x = cpa1_lab,
y = cpa2_lab)
soil_funct_plot <- soil_funct_plot + coord_fixed() + theme(aspect.ratio=1)
height = 16, width = 20, units = 'cm', res = 600, bg = "white")
height = 5, width = 6)
Temperature Adaptation
tmp_md <- ssu18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac$temp_adapt
tmp_md$TREAT_T <- as.character(tmp_md$TREAT_T)
tmp_comm <- data.frame(t(ssu18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac$data_loaded))
temp_adapt_rank <- rankindex(tmp_md[, 8:ncol(tmp_md)], tmp_comm,
indices = c("euc", "man", "gow","bra", "kul"),
stepacross = FALSE, method = "spearman")
euc man gow bra kul
0.2732117 0.3330085 0.3456355 0.3330085 0.3330085
Let’s run capscale
using Bray-Curtis. Note, we have 13 metadata parameters in this group but, for some reason, capscale
only works with 13 parameters. This may have to do with degrees of freedom?
- Starting properties: AG_Q10, BG_Q10, BP_Q10, CE_Q10, P_Q10, N_Q10, S_Q10, XY_Q10, LP_Q10, PX_Q10, CUEcn, CUEcp, NUE, PUE, Tmin, SI
- Autocorrelated removed: NUE, PUE, SI
- Remove for capscale: NONE
temp_adapt_cap <- capscale(tmp_comm ~ AG_Q10 + BG_Q10 + BP_Q10 + CE_Q10 +
P_Q10 + N_Q10 + S_Q10 + XY_Q10 +
LP_Q10 + PX_Q10 + CUEcn + CUEcp + Tmin,
tmp_md, dist = "bray")
Call: capscale(formula = tmp_comm ~ AG_Q10 + BG_Q10 + BP_Q10 + CE_Q10 +
P_Q10 + N_Q10 + S_Q10 + XY_Q10 + LP_Q10 + PX_Q10 + CUEcn + CUEcp +
Tmin, data = tmp_md, distance = "bray")
Inertia Proportion Rank
Total 1.67890 1.00000
Constrained 1.57681 0.93919 13
Unconstrained 0.10209 0.06081 1
Inertia is squared Bray distance
Species scores projected from 'tmp_comm'
Eigenvalues for constrained axes:
0.6298 0.2776 0.1985 0.1087 0.0849 0.0614 0.0528 0.0450 0.0352 0.0273 0.0244
0.0218 0.0095
Eigenvalues for unconstrained axes:
Now we can look at the variance against each principal component.
And then make some quick and dirty plots. This will also come in handy later when we need to parse out data a better plot visualization. The ggplot
function autoplot
stores these data in a more accessible way than the raw results from capscale
Next, we need to grab capscale scores for the samples and create a data frame of the first two dimensions. We will also need to add some of the sample details to the data frame. For this we use the vegan function scores
which gets species or site scores from the ordination.
tmp_samp_scores <- dplyr::filter(tmp_auto_plt$plot_env$obj, Score == "sites")
tmp_samp_scores[,1] <- NULL
tmp_samp_scores <- tmp_samp_scores %>% dplyr::rename(SampleID = Label)
tmp_md_sub <- tmp_md[, 1:4]
tmp_md_sub <- tmp_md_sub %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("SampleID")
temp_adapt_plot_data <- dplyr::left_join(tmp_md_sub, tmp_samp_scores,
by = "SampleID")
Now we have a new data frame that contains sample details and capscale values.
1 P10_D00_010_C0E P10 C 0 E -0.50625375 0.10348626
2 P02_D00_010_C0A P02 C 0 A -0.48509579 -0.14580527
3 P04_D00_010_C0B P04 C 0 B -0.57845671 0.03776429
4 P06_D00_010_C0C P06 C 0 C -0.53336078 0.08936059
5 P08_D00_010_C0D P08 C 0 D -0.68345909 0.10974979
6 P01_D00_010_W3A P01 W 3 A -0.13776351 -0.22674265
7 P03_D00_010_W3B P03 W 3 B -0.25679729 0.01972197
8 P05_D00_010_W3C P05 W 3 C -0.38722889 -0.11236725
9 P07_D00_010_W3D P07 W 3 D -0.01518359 -0.46741081
10 P09_D00_010_W3E P09 W 3 E -0.11194937 -0.54460136
11 P01_D00_010_W8A P01 W 8 A 0.78329851 0.09997647
12 P03_D00_010_W8B P03 W 8 B 0.89642936 -1.09522700
13 P05_D00_010_W8C P05 W 8 C 1.07566246 -0.26764258
14 P07_D00_010_W8D P07 W 8 D 0.41185806 0.81673870
15 P09_D00_010_W8E P09 W 8 E 0.52830039 1.58299886
We can then do the same with the metadata vectors. Here though we only need the scores and parameter name.
temp_adapt_md_scores <- dplyr::filter(tmp_auto_plt$plot_env$obj, Score == "biplot")
temp_adapt_md_scores[,1] <- NULL
temp_adapt_md_scores <- temp_adapt_md_scores %>%
dplyr::mutate(parameters = Label, .before = CAP1) %>%
parameters CAP1 CAP2
AG_Q10 AG_Q10 -0.07373951 0.23793282
BG_Q10 BG_Q10 0.72604945 0.10579764
BP_Q10 BP_Q10 0.07015779 -0.12413231
CE_Q10 CE_Q10 -0.37489864 0.55022094
P_Q10 P_Q10 0.87190011 -0.25252818
N_Q10 N_Q10 0.09422795 -0.32515404
S_Q10 S_Q10 0.91309230 0.55878516
XY_Q10 XY_Q10 0.92245895 -0.02395029
LP_Q10 LP_Q10 -0.90356227 -0.36479560
PX_Q10 PX_Q10 -0.87475774 0.18121787
CUEcn CUEcn -0.23872665 -0.39707742
CUEcp CUEcp 0.57949983 -0.62675335
Tmin Tmin 0.99158847 0.19050834
Let’s run some quick correlations of metadata with ordination axes to see which parameters are significant. For this we use the vegan function envfit
tmp_samp_scores_sub <- temp_adapt_plot_data[, 6:7]
tmp_samp_scores_sub <- as.matrix(tmp_samp_scores_sub)
tmp_param_list <- temp_adapt_md_scores$parameters
tmp_md_sub <- subset(tmp_md, select = tmp_param_list)
envfit_temp_adapt_md <- envfit(tmp_samp_scores_sub, tmp_md_sub,
perm = 1000, choices = c(1, 2))
CAP1 CAP2 r2 Pr(>r)
AG_Q10 -0.30810 0.95136 0.0260 0.83117
BG_Q10 0.99031 0.13889 0.2354 0.17782
BP_Q10 0.50944 -0.86050 0.0086 0.95504
CE_Q10 -0.58116 0.81379 0.1875 0.25075
P_Q10 0.96427 -0.26494 0.3590 0.05395 .
N_Q10 0.28973 -0.95711 0.0479 0.76723
S_Q10 0.86347 0.50440 0.4956 0.01499 *
XY_Q10 0.99973 -0.02334 0.3725 0.04895 *
LP_Q10 -0.93292 -0.36008 0.4131 0.04096 *
PX_Q10 -0.98131 0.19244 0.3483 0.07992 .
CUEcn -0.53407 -0.84544 0.0908 0.55245
CUEcp 0.69625 -0.71780 0.3103 0.12288
Tmin 0.98341 0.18140 0.4456 0.02997 *
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 1000
temp_adapt_md_signif_hits <- base::subset(envfit_temp_adapt_md$vectors$pvals,
< 0.05 & envfit_temp_adapt_md$vectors$r > 0.4))
temp_adapt_md_signif_hits <- data.frame(temp_adapt_md_signif_hits)
temp_adapt_md_signif_hits <- rownames(temp_adapt_md_signif_hits)
temp_adapt_md_signif <- temp_adapt_md_scores[temp_adapt_md_scores$parameters %in%
found that S_Q10, LP_Q10, Tmin were significantly correlated.
Now let’s see if the same parameters are significant for the envfit
and bioenv
[1] "Significant parameters from bioenv analysis."
[1] "CUEcp" "LP_Q10" "P_Q10" "S_Q10" "Tmin"
[1] "Significant parameters from envfit analysis."
[1] "S_Q10" "LP_Q10" "Tmin"
[1] "Found in bioenv but not envfit."
[1] "CUEcp" "P_Q10"
[1] "Found in envfit but not bioenv."
[1] "Found in envfit and bioenv."
[1] "S_Q10" "LP_Q10" "Tmin" "CUEcp" "P_Q10"
#new_temp_adapt_md_signif_hits <- base::append(temp_adapt_md_signif_hits, temp_adapt_sig_diff)
new_temp_adapt_md_signif_hits <- temp_adapt_sig_diff
temp_adapt_md_signif_all <- temp_adapt_md_scores[temp_adapt_md_scores$parameters %in%
Check. Next, we run envfit
for the ASVs.
envfit_temp_adapt_asv <- envfit(tmp_samp_scores_sub,
tmp_comm[, order(colSums(-tmp_comm))][, 1:10],
perm = 1000, choices = c(1, 2))
temp_adapt_asv_scores <- dplyr::filter(tmp_auto_plt$plot_env$obj, Score == "species")
temp_adapt_asv_scores <- temp_adapt_asv_scores %>%
dplyr::mutate(parameters = Label, .before = CAP1) %>%
temp_adapt_asv_scores[,1] <- NULL
CAP1 CAP2 r2 Pr(>r)
ASV1 0.98984 0.14217 0.6541 0.009990 **
ASV2 0.55070 -0.83470 0.8953 0.000999 ***
ASV3 0.79919 0.60108 0.9513 0.000999 ***
ASV4 -0.12171 0.99257 0.3110 0.118881
ASV5 -0.67644 -0.73649 0.1181 0.487512
ASV6 -0.10078 0.99491 0.7028 0.003996 **
ASV8 -0.85434 0.51972 0.4279 0.043956 *
ASV7 -0.57853 -0.81566 0.0602 0.676324
ASV9 0.53361 -0.84573 0.2425 0.185814
ASV10 -0.34761 0.93764 0.8031 0.000999 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 1000
temp_adapt_asv_signif_hits <- base::subset(envfit_temp_adapt_asv$vectors$pvals,
< 0.05 & envfit_temp_adapt_asv$vectors$r > 0.5))
temp_adapt_asv_signif_hits <- data.frame(temp_adapt_asv_signif_hits)
temp_adapt_asv_signif_hits <- rownames(temp_adapt_asv_signif_hits)
temp_adapt_asv_signif <- temp_adapt_asv_scores[temp_adapt_asv_scores$parameters %in%
parameters CAP1 CAP2 variable_type
ASV3 ASV3 0.49583686 0.48216614 ASV
ASV6 ASV6 -0.01759546 0.20461984 ASV
ASV2 ASV2 0.23578207 -0.44144325 ASV
ASV10 ASV10 -0.02475900 0.08142465 ASV
ASV1 ASV1 1.18724098 0.33621587 ASV
temp_adapt_md_signif_all$variable_type <- "metadata"
temp_adapt_asv_signif$variable_type <- "ASV"
temp_adapt_bioplot_data <- rbind(temp_adapt_md_signif_all, temp_adapt_asv_signif)
The last thing to do is categorize parameters scores and ASV scores into different variable types for plotting.
Show the code for the plot
temp_adapt_cap_vals <- data.frame(temp_adapt_cap$CCA$eig[1:2])
temp_adapt_cap1 <- signif((temp_adapt_cap_vals[1,] * 100), digits=3)
temp_adapt_cap2 <- signif((temp_adapt_cap_vals[2,] * 100), digits=3)
cpa1_lab <- paste("CAP1", " (", temp_adapt_cap1, "%)", sep = "")
cpa2_lab <- paste("CAP2", " (", temp_adapt_cap2, "%)", sep = "")
swel_col <- c("#2271B2", "#71B222", "#B22271")
temp_adapt_plot <- ggplot(temp_adapt_plot_data) +
geom_point(mapping = aes(x = CAP1, y = CAP2, shape = TREAT,
colour = TREAT_T), size = 4) +
scale_colour_manual(values = swel_col) +
# geom_text(data = temp_adapt_plot_data, aes(x = CAP1, y = CAP2, #UNCOMMENT to add sample labels
# label = SampleID), size = 3) +
geom_segment(aes(x = 0, y = 0, xend = CAP1, yend = CAP2),
data = temp_adapt_bioplot_data_md, linetype = "solid",
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.3, "cm")), size = 0.4,
color = "#191919", inherit.aes = FALSE) +
geom_text(data = temp_adapt_bioplot_data_md,
aes(x = CAP1, y = CAP2, label = parameters), size = 3,
nudge_x = 0.1, nudge_y = 0.05) +
### This code adds ASV vectors, Uncomment to add
# geom_segment(aes(x = 0, y = 0, xend = CAP1, yend = CAP2),
# data = temp_adapt_bioplot_data_asv, linetype = "solid",
# arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.3, "cm")), size = 0.2,
# color = "#676767") +
# geom_text(data = temp_adapt_bioplot_data_asv,
# aes(x = CAP1, y = CAP2, label = parameters), size = 2.5,
# nudge_x = 0.05, nudge_y = 0.05) +
theme_classic(base_size = 12) +
labs(title = "Capscale Analysis",
subtitle = "Temperature Adaptation",
x = cpa1_lab,
y = cpa2_lab)
temp_adapt_plot <- temp_adapt_plot + coord_fixed() + theme(aspect.ratio=1)
height = 16, width = 20, units = 'cm', res = 600, bg = "white")
height = 5, width = 6)
Capscale Plots
(16S rRNA) Figure 7 | Distance-based Redundancy Analysis (db-RDA) of PIME filtered data based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarity showing the relationships between community composition change versus edaphic properties.
(16S rRNA) Figure 8 | Distance-based Redundancy Analysis (db-RDA) of PIME filtered data based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarity showing the relationships between community composition change versus microbial functional response.
(16S rRNA) Figure 9 | Distance-based Redundancy Analysis (db-RDA) of PIME filtered data based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarity showing the relationships between community composition change versus temperature adaptation.
Data Formating
- Transform
The first step is to transform the phyloseq objects.
samp_ps <- c("its18_ps_work", "its18_ps_pime", "its18_ps_perfect",
"its18_ps_work_otu", "its18_ps_pime_otu", "its18_ps_perfect_otu")
for (i in samp_ps) {
tmp_get <- get(i)
tmp_ps <- transform_sample_counts(tmp_get, function(otu) 1e5 * otu/sum(otu))
tmp_ps@phy_tree <- NULL
tmp_ps <- prune_samples(sample_sums(tmp_ps) > 0, tmp_ps)
tmp_samp <- data.frame(sample_data(tmp_get))
tmp_samp <- tmp_samp %>% dplyr::rename("TREAT_T" = "TEMP")
tmp_ps <- merge_phyloseq(tmp_ps, sample_data)
sample_data(tmp_ps) <- tmp_samp
tmp_name <- purrr::map_chr(i, ~ paste0(., "_prop"))
assign(tmp_name, tmp_ps)
rm(list = ls(pattern = "tmp_"))
- Format for
Then a bit of formatting to make the data compatible with mctoolsr
for (i in samp_ps) {
tmp_get <- get(purrr::map_chr(i, ~ paste0(., "_prop")))
tmp_tax <- data.frame(tax_table(tmp_get))
tmp_tax$ASV_SEQ <- NULL
tmp_col_names <- colnames(tmp_tax)
tmp_tax_merge <- tmp_tax %>% tidyr::unite(taxonomy,
sep = ";")
tmp_tax_merge <- tmp_tax_merge %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("#OTU_ID")
tmp_otu <- data.frame(t(otu_table(tmp_get)))
tmp_otu <- tmp_otu %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("#OTU_ID")
tmp_otu_tax <- dplyr::left_join(tmp_otu, tmp_tax_merge, by = "#OTU_ID")
tmp_samp <- data.frame(sample_data(tmp_get))
tmp_samp[,c(1,3)] <- NULL
tmp_samp <- tmp_samp %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("#SampleID")
tmp_metad <- metad %>% dplyr::rename("#SampleID" = "id")
tmp_metad[,2:5] <- NULL
tmp_md <- dplyr::left_join(tmp_samp, tmp_metad, by = "#SampleID")
tmp_otu_name <- purrr::map_chr(i, ~ paste0(., "_otu_tax"))
assign(tmp_otu_name, tmp_otu_tax)
tmp_md_name <- purrr::map_chr(i, ~ paste0(., "_md"))
assign(tmp_md_name, tmp_md)
tmp_path <- file.path("files/metadata/tables/")
write_delim(tmp_otu_tax, paste(tmp_path, tmp_otu_name, ".txt", sep = ""), delim = "\t")
write_delim(tmp_md, paste(tmp_path, tmp_md_name, ".txt", sep = ""), delim = "\t")
rm(list = ls(pattern = "tmp_"))
for (i in samp_ps) {
tmp_path <- file.path("files/metadata/tables/")
tmp_otu_name <- purrr::map_chr(i, ~ paste0(., "_otu_tax"))
tmp_md_name <- purrr::map_chr(i, ~ paste0(., "_md"))
tmp_tax_table_fp <- paste(tmp_path, tmp_otu_name, ".txt", sep = "")
tmp_map_fp <- paste(tmp_path, tmp_md_name, ".txt", sep = "")
tmp_input <- load_taxa_table(tmp_tax_table_fp, tmp_map_fp)
tmp_input_name <- purrr::map_chr(i, ~ paste0(., "_mc"))
assign(tmp_input_name, tmp_input)
rm(list = ls(pattern = "tmp_"))
rm(list = ls(pattern = "_md"))
rm(list = ls(pattern = "_otu_tax"))
Choose Data Set
At this point in the code we need to choose a data set to use, formatted with mctoolsr
. Remember, there are four choices:
- Complete ASV data set.
- Arbitrary filtered ASV data set.
- PERfect filtered ASV data set.
- PIME filtered ASV data set.
This way, if we want to test other data sets we only need to change the name here.
objects(pattern = "_mc")
its18_select_mc <- its18_ps_pime_mc
Normality Tests
Before proceeding, we need to test each parameter in the metadata to see which ones are and are not normally distributed. For that, we use the Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test. Here we only need one of the metadata files.
temp_md <- its18_select_mc$map_loaded
temp_md[,1:9] <- NULL
shap_results <- NULL
for (i in colnames(temp_md)) {
tmp_shap <- shapiro.test(temp_md[[i]])
tmp_p <- round(tmp_shap$p.value, digits = 5)
tmp_res <- eval(isTRUE(tmp_shap$p.value < 0.05))
shap_results <- rbind(shap_results, data.frame(i, tmp_p, tmp_res))
rm(list = ls(pattern = "tmp_"))
colnames(shap_results) <- c("parameter", "p-value", "tranform")
dplyr::filter(shap_results, tranform == "TRUE")
md_to_tranform <- shap_results$parameter[shap_results$tranform == TRUE]
rm(list = ls(pattern = "temp_md"))
Show the results of each normality test for metadata parameters
(ITS) Table 2 | Results of the Shapiro-Wilk Normality Tests. P-values in red are significance (p-value < 0.05) meaning the parameter needs to be normalized.
Looks like we need to transform 21 metadata parameters.
Normalize Parameters
Here we use the R package bestNormalize
to find and execute the best normalizing transformation. The function will test the following normalizing transformations:
performs an arcsinh transformation.boxcox
Perform a Box-Cox transformation and center/scale a vector to attempt normalization.boxcox
estimates the optimal value of lambda for the Box-Cox transformation. The function will return an error if a user attempt to transform nonpositive data.yeojohnson
Perform a Yeo-Johnson Transformation and center/scale a vector to attempt normalization.yeojohnson
estimates the optimal value of lambda for the Yeo-Johnson transformation. The Yeo-Johnson is similar to the Box-Cox method, however it allows for the transformation of nonpositive data as well.orderNorm
The Ordered Quantile (ORQ) normalization transformation,orderNorm()
, is a rank-based procedure by which the values of a vector are mapped to their percentile, which is then mapped to the same percentile of the normal distribution. Without the presence of ties, this essentially guarantees that the transformation leads to a uniform distribution.log_x
performs a simple log transformation. The parameter a is essentially estimated by the training set by default (estimated as the minimum possible to some extent epsilon), while the base must be specified beforehand. The default base of the log is 10.sqrt_x
performs a simple square-root transformation. The parameter a is essentially estimated by the training set by default (estimated as the minimum possible), while the base must be specified beforehand.exp_x
performs a simple exponential transformation.
See this GitHub issue (#5) for a description on getting reproducible results. Apparently, you can get different results because the bestNormalize()
function uses repeated cross-validation (and doesn’t automatically set the seed), so the results will be slightly different each time the function is executed.
Show the chosen transformations
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of AST ##
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
25.80 26.26 28.80 29.90 41.77
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of H2O ##
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
0.204 0.261 0.377 0.385 0.401
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of Al ##
Standardized asinh(x) Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs.:
Relevant statistics:
- mean (before standardization) = 0.005384372
- sd (before standardization) = 0.007762057
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of Fe ##
Standardized asinh(x) Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs.:
Relevant statistics:
- mean (before standardization) = 0.01076821
- sd (before standardization) = 0.0103749
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of TEB ##
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and ties
- 10 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
41.6 43.3 45.1 48.7 61.7
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of ECEC ##
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and ties
- 10 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
41.7 43.3 45.3 48.8 61.8
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of minNO3 ##
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
11.31 19.67 22.71 37.33 106.42
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of minTIN ##
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and ties
- 12 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
12.96 21.50 23.99 42.08 110.75
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of DOC ##
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
33.20 44.30 56.68 63.79 118.74
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of BG_ase ##
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
3.04 3.92 4.22 4.62 9.09
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of BP_ase ##
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
1.77 2.33 3.02 3.50 7.28
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of P_ase ##
Standardized Box Cox Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs.:
Estimated statistics:
- lambda = -0.9999576
- mean (before standardization) = 0.9480149
- sd (before standardization) = 0.01593697
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of N_ase ##
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
2.57 2.95 3.58 4.52 8.34
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of XY_ase ##
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and ties
- 11 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
0.66 0.76 1.11 1.36 2.52
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of BG_Q10 ##
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and ties
- 11 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
1.31 1.36 1.39 1.56 1.76
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of CE_Q10 ##
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and ties
- 12 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
1.76 1.87 1.95 2.00 2.36
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of CO2 ##
Standardized asinh(x) Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs.:
Relevant statistics:
- mean (before standardization) = 2.626573
- sd (before standardization) = 0.7396036
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of PX_ase ##
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
81.25 94.13 119.75 211.18 294.39
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of PX_Q10 ##
Standardized Yeo-Johnson Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs.:
Estimated statistics:
- lambda = -4.999963
- mean (before standardization) = 0.1968145
- sd (before standardization) = 0.001394949
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of CUEcp ##
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and ties
- 9 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
0.15 0.17 0.19 0.21 0.33
## bestNormalize Chosen transformation of PUE ##
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and ties
- 6 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
0.77 0.88 0.90 0.91 0.92
Show the complete bestNormalize
## Results of bestNormalize for AST ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 13 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 3.2051
- Box-Cox: 3.2051
- Center+scale: 4.1282
- Exp(x): 17.9744
- Log_b(x+a): 3.2051
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.1282
- sqrt(x + a): 4.1282
- Yeo-Johnson: 2.2821
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
25.80 26.26 28.80 29.90 41.77
## Results of bestNormalize for H2O ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 13 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 7.2051
- Box-Cox: 6.2821
- Center+scale: 8.1282
- Exp(x): 6.2821
- Log_b(x+a): 7.2051
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.4359
- sqrt(x + a): 7.2051
- Yeo-Johnson: 6.2821
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
0.204 0.261 0.377 0.385 0.401
## Results of bestNormalize for Al ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 13 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 7.5128
- Center+scale: 7.5128
- Exp(x): 7.5128
- Log_b(x+a): 9.359
- orderNorm (ORQ): 7.5128
- sqrt(x + a): 7.5128
- Yeo-Johnson: 7.5128
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
Standardized asinh(x) Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs.:
Relevant statistics:
- mean (before standardization) = 0.005384372
- sd (before standardization) = 0.007762057
## Results of bestNormalize for Fe ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 13 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 7.2051
- Center+scale: 7.2051
- Exp(x): 7.2051
- Log_b(x+a): 7.2051
- orderNorm (ORQ): 7.2051
- sqrt(x + a): 7.2051
- Yeo-Johnson: 7.2051
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
Standardized asinh(x) Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs.:
Relevant statistics:
- mean (before standardization) = 0.01076821
- sd (before standardization) = 0.0103749
## Results of bestNormalize for TEB ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 13 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 1.6667
- Box-Cox: 1.6667
- Center+scale: 4.7436
- Exp(x): 17.9744
- Log_b(x+a): 1.6667
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.4359
- sqrt(x + a): 3.2051
- Yeo-Johnson: 1.359
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and ties
- 10 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
41.6 43.3 45.1 48.7 61.7
## Results of bestNormalize for ECEC ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 13 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 1.6667
- Box-Cox: 1.6667
- Center+scale: 3.2051
- Exp(x): 17.9744
- Log_b(x+a): 1.6667
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.4359
- sqrt(x + a): 3.2051
- Yeo-Johnson: 1.359
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and ties
- 10 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
41.7 43.3 45.3 48.8 61.8
## Results of bestNormalize for minNO3 ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 13 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 3.5128
- Box-Cox: 3.5128
- Center+scale: 5.359
- Exp(x): 17.9744
- Log_b(x+a): 3.5128
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.7436
- sqrt(x + a): 2.5897
- Yeo-Johnson: 3.5128
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
11.31 19.67 22.71 37.33 106.42
## Results of bestNormalize for minTIN ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 13 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 1.359
- Box-Cox: 2.2821
- Center+scale: 4.1282
- Exp(x): 17.9744
- Log_b(x+a): 1.359
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.7436
- sqrt(x + a): 2.2821
- Yeo-Johnson: 2.2821
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and ties
- 12 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
12.96 21.50 23.99 42.08 110.75
## Results of bestNormalize for DOC ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 13 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 2.8974
- Box-Cox: 2.8974
- Center+scale: 3.5128
- Exp(x): 17.9744
- Log_b(x+a): 2.8974
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.4359
- sqrt(x + a): 1.9744
- Yeo-Johnson: 2.8974
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
33.20 44.30 56.68 63.79 118.74
## Results of bestNormalize for BG_ase ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 13 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 3.8205
- Box-Cox: 2.2821
- Center+scale: 4.1282
- Exp(x): 14.8974
- Log_b(x+a): 3.8205
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.4359
- sqrt(x + a): 3.5128
- Yeo-Johnson: 1.6667
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
3.04 3.92 4.22 4.62 9.09
## Results of bestNormalize for BP_ase ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 13 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 1.6667
- Box-Cox: 1.6667
- Center+scale: 4.1282
- Exp(x): 5.6667
- Log_b(x+a): 1.6667
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.4359
- sqrt(x + a): 1.6667
- Yeo-Johnson: 1.6667
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
1.77 2.33 3.02 3.50 7.28
## Results of bestNormalize for P_ase ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 13 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 1.6667
- Box-Cox: 0.4359
- Center+scale: 3.2051
- Exp(x): 17.9744
- Log_b(x+a): 1.6667
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.4359
- sqrt(x + a): 1.9744
- Yeo-Johnson: 0.4359
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
Standardized Box Cox Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs.:
Estimated statistics:
- lambda = -0.9999576
- mean (before standardization) = 0.9480149
- sd (before standardization) = 0.01593697
## Results of bestNormalize for N_ase ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 13 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 1.9744
- Box-Cox: 2.2821
- Center+scale: 2.8974
- Exp(x): 17.9744
- Log_b(x+a): 1.9744
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.4359
- sqrt(x + a): 2.8974
- Yeo-Johnson: 0.4359
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
2.57 2.95 3.58 4.52 8.34
## Results of bestNormalize for XY_ase ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 13 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 1.0513
- Box-Cox: 0.4359
- Center+scale: 2.8974
- Exp(x): 9.0513
- Log_b(x+a): 1.0513
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.1282
- sqrt(x + a): 1.359
- Yeo-Johnson: 0.4359
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and ties
- 11 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
0.66 0.76 1.11 1.36 2.52
## Results of bestNormalize for BG_Q10 ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 13 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 1.9744
- Box-Cox: 1.9744
- Center+scale: 2.2821
- Exp(x): 5.359
- Log_b(x+a): 1.9744
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.4359
- sqrt(x + a): 1.9744
- Yeo-Johnson: 1.9744
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and ties
- 11 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
1.31 1.36 1.39 1.56 1.76
## Results of bestNormalize for CE_Q10 ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 13 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 1.6667
- Box-Cox: 1.6667
- Center+scale: 1.6667
- Exp(x): 4.1282
- Log_b(x+a): 1.6667
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.4359
- sqrt(x + a): 1.6667
- Yeo-Johnson: 0.7436
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and ties
- 12 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
1.76 1.87 1.95 2.00 2.36
## Results of bestNormalize for CO2 ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 13 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 1.0513
- Box-Cox: 3.5128
- Center+scale: 11.5128
- Exp(x): 17.9744
- Log_b(x+a): 1.0513
- orderNorm (ORQ): 1.0513
- sqrt(x + a): 2.8974
- Yeo-Johnson: 1.9744
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
Standardized asinh(x) Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs.:
Relevant statistics:
- mean (before standardization) = 2.626573
- sd (before standardization) = 0.7396036
## Results of bestNormalize for PX_ase ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 13 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 1.9744
- Box-Cox: 2.2821
- Center+scale: 4.1282
- Exp(x): 17.9744
- Log_b(x+a): 1.9744
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.4359
- sqrt(x + a): 1.9744
- Yeo-Johnson: 2.2821
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and no ties
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
81.25 94.13 119.75 211.18 294.39
## Results of bestNormalize for PX_Q10 ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 13 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 14.5897
- Box-Cox: 3.2051
- Center+scale: 17.9744
- Exp(x): 17.9744
- Log_b(x+a): 11.5128
- orderNorm (ORQ): 2.2821
- sqrt(x + a): 17.9744
- Yeo-Johnson: 1.0513
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
Standardized Yeo-Johnson Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs.:
Estimated statistics:
- lambda = -4.999963
- mean (before standardization) = 0.1968145
- sd (before standardization) = 0.001394949
## Results of bestNormalize for CUEcp ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 13 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 3.5128
- Box-Cox: 1.359
- Center+scale: 3.5128
- Exp(x): 4.4359
- Log_b(x+a): 1.359
- orderNorm (ORQ): 0.7436
- sqrt(x + a): 3.5128
- Yeo-Johnson: 2.5897
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and ties
- 9 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
0.15 0.17 0.19 0.21 0.33
## Results of bestNormalize for PUE ##
Best Normalizing transformation with 13 Observations
Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
- arcsinh(x): 5.9744
- Box-Cox: 7.2051
- Center+scale: 5.9744
- Exp(x): 5.9744
- Log_b(x+a): 7.2051
- orderNorm (ORQ): 2.5897
- sqrt(x + a): 5.9744
- Yeo-Johnson: 5.9744
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via leave-one-out CV
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 13 nonmissing obs and ties
- 6 unique values
- Original quantiles:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
0.77 0.88 0.90 0.91 0.92
Great, now we can add the normalized transformed data back to our mctoolsr
metadata file.
And rerun the Shapiro Tests.
temp_md_norm <- its18_select_mc_norm$map_loaded
temp_md_norm[,1:9] <- NULL
shap_results_norm <- NULL
for (i in colnames(temp_md_norm)) {
tmp_shap <- shapiro.test(temp_md_norm[[i]])
tmp_p <- round(tmp_shap$p.value, digits = 5)
tmp_res <- eval(isTRUE(tmp_shap$p.value < 0.05))
shap_results_norm <- rbind(shap_results_norm, data.frame(i, tmp_p, tmp_res))
rm(list = ls(pattern = "tmp_"))
colnames(shap_results_norm) <- c("parameter", "p-value", "tranform")
rm(list = ls(pattern = "temp_md_norm"))
And check if there are any parameters that are still significant for the normality test.
shap_results$parameter[shap_results_norm$tranform == TRUE]
[1] "Al" "Fe"
Ok. Looks like bestNormalize
was unable to find a suitable transformation for Al
and Fe
. This is likely because there is very little variation in these metadata and/or there are too few significant digits.
Normalized Metadata
Finally, here is a new summary table that includes all of the normalized data.
(ITS) Table 3 | Results of bestNormalize function applied to each parameter.
Autocorrelation Tests
Next, we test the metadata for autocorrelations. Do we do this on the original data or the transformed data? No idea, so let’s do both.
Split Metadata
We need to split the data into different groups.
- Environmental and edaphic properties
- Microbial functional responses
- Temperature adaptation properties
We first create lists of metadata parameters.
div <- c("PLOT", "TREAT", "TREAT_T", "PAIR", "Observed", "Shannon_exp",
"InvSimpson", "ATAP")
edaphic <- c("AST", "H2O", "N", "P", "Al",
"Ca", "Fe", "K", "Mg", "Mn", "Na", "TEB", "ECEC", "pH",
"NH4", "NO3", "PO4", "DOC", "DON", "DOCN")
soil_funct <- c("micC", "micN", "micP", "micCN", "micCP", "micNP",
"AG_ase", "BG_ase", "BP_ase", "CE_ase", "P_ase", "N_ase",
"S_ase", "XY_ase", "LP_ase", "PX_ase", "CO2",
"enzCN", "enzCP", "enzNP")
temp_adapt <- c("AG_Q10", "BG_Q10", "BP_Q10", "CE_Q10", "P_Q10", "N_Q10",
"S_Q10", "XY_Q10", "LP_Q10", "PX_Q10", "CUEcn", "CUEcp",
"NUE", "PUE", "Tmin", "SI")
md_groups <- c("edaphic", "soil_funct", "temp_adapt")
# NoT uSed: minPO4, minNH4, minNO3, minTIN
And then use the lists to split the data sets by metadata group. Here, we do this for the original metadata and the metadata after normalization.
select_md <- c("its18_select_mc", "its18_select_mc_norm")
for (i in select_md) {
#tmp_get <- get(purrr::map_chr(i, ~ paste0(i, "_mc")))
tmp_get <- get(i)
tmp_md_all <- tmp_get$map_loaded
tmp_div <- tmp_md_all %>% dplyr::select(all_of(div))
tmp_div <- tmp_div %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("SampleID")
## edaphic
tmp_sub_edaphic <- tmp_md_all %>% dplyr::select(all_of(edaphic))
tmp_sub_edaphic <- tmp_sub_edaphic %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("SampleID")
tmp_edaphic <- dplyr::left_join(tmp_div, tmp_sub_edaphic, by = "SampleID")
tmp_edaphic <- tmp_edaphic %>% tibble::column_to_rownames("SampleID")
## soil_funct
tmp_sub_soil_funct <- tmp_md_all %>% dplyr::select(all_of(soil_funct))
tmp_sub_soil_funct <- tmp_sub_soil_funct %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("SampleID")
tmp_soil_funct <- dplyr::left_join(tmp_div, tmp_sub_soil_funct, by = "SampleID")
tmp_soil_funct <- tmp_soil_funct %>% tibble::column_to_rownames("SampleID")
## temp_adapt
tmp_sub_temp_adapt <- tmp_md_all %>% dplyr::select(all_of(temp_adapt))
tmp_sub_temp_adapt <- tmp_sub_temp_adapt %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("SampleID")
tmp_temp_adapt <- dplyr::left_join(tmp_div, tmp_sub_temp_adapt, by = "SampleID")
tmp_temp_adapt <- tmp_temp_adapt %>% tibble::column_to_rownames("SampleID")
## combine
tmp_list <- list(data_loaded = its18_select_mc$data_loaded,
map_loaded = its18_select_mc$map_loaded,
taxonomy_loaded = its18_select_mc$taxonomy_loaded,
edaphic = tmp_edaphic,
soil_funct = tmp_soil_funct,
temp_adapt = tmp_temp_adapt)
tmp_name <- purrr::map_chr(i, ~ paste0(., "_split"))
assign(tmp_name, tmp_list)
rm(list = ls(pattern = "tmp_"))
Generate Autocorrelation Plots
A little housekeeping to get rid of parameters we don’t need (e.g., plot number, pair, etc.).
edaphic_cor <- its18_select_mc_split$edaphic
edaphic_cor[,1:8] <- NULL
edaphic_norm_cor <- its18_select_mc_norm_split$edaphic
edaphic_norm_cor[,1:8] <- NULL
soil_funct_cor <- its18_select_mc_split$soil_funct
soil_funct_cor[,1:8] <- NULL
soil_funct_norm_cor <- its18_select_mc_norm_split$soil_funct
soil_funct_norm_cor[,1:8] <- NULL
temp_adapt_cor <- its18_select_mc_split$temp_adapt
temp_adapt_cor[,1:8] <- NULL
temp_adapt_norm_cor <- its18_select_mc_norm_split$temp_adapt
temp_adapt_norm_cor[,1:8] <- NULL
And finally the code to create the plots.
for (i in objects(pattern = "_cor$")) {
tmp_get <- get(i)
tmp_cormat <- round(cor(tmp_get), 2)
tmp_melted_cormat <- reshape2::melt(tmp_cormat)
tmp_get_lower_tri <- function(tmp_cormat){
tmp_cormat[upper.tri(tmp_cormat)] <- NA
# Get upper triangle of the correlation matrix
tmp_get_upper_tri <- function(tmp_cormat){
tmp_cormat[lower.tri(tmp_cormat)] <- NA
tmp_upper_tri <- tmp_get_upper_tri(tmp_cormat)
tmp_melted_cormat <- reshape2::melt(tmp_upper_tri, na.rm = TRUE)
ggplot(data = tmp_melted_cormat, aes(x = Var1, y = Var2, fill = value)) +
tmp_ggheatmap <- ggplot(data = tmp_melted_cormat, aes(Var2, Var1, fill = value)) +
geom_tile(color = "white") +
scale_fill_gradient2(low = "blue", high = "red", mid = "white",
midpoint = 0, limit = c(-1,1), space = "Lab",
name="Pearson\nCorrelation") +
theme_minimal() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 1,
size = 7, hjust = 1),
axis.text.y = element_text(vjust = 1, size = 7, hjust = 1)) +
coord_fixed() +
geom_text(aes(Var2, Var1, label = value), color = "black", size = 1.75) +
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.title.y = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_blank(),
axis.ticks = element_blank(),
legend.justification = c(1, 0),
legend.position = c(0.6, 0.7),
legend.direction = "horizontal") +
guides(fill = guide_colorbar(barwidth = 7, barheight = 1,
title.position = "top",
title.hjust = 0.5))
tmp_name <- purrr::map_chr(i, ~ paste0(., "_ggheatmap"))
assign(tmp_name, tmp_ggheatmap)
rm(list = ls(pattern = "tmp_"))
objects(pattern = "_ggheatmap")
Autocorrelation Plots
(ITS) Figure 1 | Results of autocorrelation analysis for non-normalized Environmental and edaphic parameters.
(ITS) Figure 2 | Results of autocorrelation analysis for normalized Environmental and edaphic parameters.
(ITS) Figure 3 | Results of autocorrelation analysis for non-normalized Functional response parameters.
(ITS) Figure 4 | Results of autocorrelation analysis for normalized Functional response parameters.
(ITS) Figure 5 | Results of autocorrelation analysis for non-normalized Temperature adaptation parameters.
(ITS) Figure 6 | Results of autocorrelation analysis for normalized Temperature adaptation parameters.
Now we can remove parameters based on the autocorrelation analysis:
- Environmental and edaphic properties: TEB, DON, Na, Al, Ca.
- Microbial functional responses: micN, micNP, enzCN, enzCP, BP_ase, CE_ase, LP_ase, N_ase, P_ase.
- Temperature adaptation properties: NUE, PUE, P_Q10, SI.
tmp_df <- its18_select_mc_split
tmp_df$edaphic <- tmp_df$edaphic[, ! names(tmp_df$edaphic) %in% edaphic_remove]
tmp_df$soil_funct <- tmp_df$soil_funct[, ! names(tmp_df$soil_funct) %in% soil_funct_remove]
tmp_df$temp_adapt <- tmp_df$temp_adapt[, ! names(tmp_df$temp_adapt) %in% temp_adapt_remove]
its18_select_mc_split_no_ac <- tmp_df
rm(list = ls(pattern = "tmp_"))
tmp_df <- its18_select_mc_norm_split
tmp_df$edaphic <- tmp_df$edaphic[, ! names(tmp_df$edaphic) %in% edaphic_remove]
tmp_df$soil_funct <- tmp_df$soil_funct[, ! names(tmp_df$soil_funct) %in% soil_funct_remove]
tmp_df$temp_adapt <- tmp_df$temp_adapt[, ! names(tmp_df$temp_adapt) %in% temp_adapt_remove]
its18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac <- tmp_df
rm(list = ls(pattern = "tmp_"))
Dissimilarity Correlation Tests
Let’s see if any on the metadata groups are significantly correlated with the community data. Basically, we create distance matrices for the community data and each metadata group and then run Mantel tests for all comparisons. For the community data we calculate Bray-Curtis distances for the community data and Euclidean distances for the metadata. We use the function mantel.test
from the ape
package and mantel
from the vegan
package for the analyses.
In summary, we test both mantel.test
and mantel
on Bray-Curtis distance community distances against Euclidean distances for each metadata group (edaphic
, soil_funct
, temp_adapt
) a) before normalizing and before removing autocorrelated parameters, b) before normalizing and after removing autocorrelated parameters, c) after normalizing and before removing autocorrelated parameters, and d) after normalizing and after removing autocorrelated parameters.
man_df <- c("its18_select_mc_split", "its18_select_mc_split_no_ac",
"its18_select_mc_norm_split", "its18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac")
for (i in man_df) {
tmp_get <- get(i)
tmp_dm_otu <- as.matrix(vegdist(t(tmp_get$data_loaded),
method = "bray", binary = FALSE,
diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE))
tmp_dm_md_edaphic <- as.matrix(vegdist(tmp_get$edaphic[, 8:ncol(tmp_get$edaphic)],
method ="euclidean", binary = FALSE,
diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE))
tmp_man1_edaphic <- mantel.test(tmp_dm_otu, tmp_dm_md_edaphic, nperm = 999,
graph = FALSE, alternative = "two.sided")
tmp_man2_edaphic <- mantel(tmp_dm_otu, tmp_dm_md_edaphic, permutations = 999)
tmp_dm_md_soil_funct <- as.matrix(vegdist(tmp_get$soil_funct[, 8:ncol(tmp_get$soil_funct)],
method = "euclidean", binary = FALSE,
diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE))
tmp_man1_soil_funct <- mantel.test(tmp_dm_otu, tmp_dm_md_soil_funct, nperm = 999,
graph = FALSE, alternative = "two.sided")
tmp_man2_soil_funct <- mantel(tmp_dm_otu, tmp_dm_md_soil_funct, permutations = 999)
tmp_dm_md_temp_adapt <- as.matrix(vegdist(tmp_get$temp_adapt[, 8:ncol(tmp_get$temp_adapt)],
method = "euclidean", binary = FALSE,
diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE))
tmp_man1_temp_adapt <- mantel.test(tmp_dm_otu, tmp_dm_md_temp_adapt, nperm = 999,
graph = FALSE, alternative = "two.sided")
tmp_man2_temp_adapt <- mantel(tmp_dm_otu, tmp_dm_md_temp_adapt, permutations = 999)
tmp_name <- purrr::map_chr(i, ~ paste0(., "_mantel_tests"))
tmp_df <- list(edaphic_ape_man = tmp_man1_edaphic,
edaphic_vegan_man = tmp_man2_edaphic,
soil_funct_ape_man = tmp_man1_soil_funct,
soil_funct_vegan_man = tmp_man2_soil_funct,
temp_adapt_ape_man = tmp_man1_temp_adapt,
temp_adapt_vegan_man = tmp_man2_temp_adapt)
assign(tmp_name, tmp_df)
rm(list = ls(pattern = "tmp_"))
Dissimilarity Correlation Results
(ITS) Table 4 | Summary of Dissimilarity Correlation Tests using mantel.test
from the ape package and mantel
from the vegan. P-values in red indicate significance (p-value < 0.05)
Moving on.
Best Subset of Variables
Now we want to know which of the metadata parameters are the most strongly correlated with the community data. For this we use the bioenv
function from the vegan
package. bioenv
—Best Subset of Environmental Variables with Maximum (Rank) Correlation with Community Dissimilarities—finds the best subset of environmental variables, so that the Euclidean distances of scaled environmental variables have the maximum (rank) correlation with community dissimilarities.
Since we know that each of the Mantel tests we ran above are significant, here we will use the metadata set where autocorrelated parameters were removed and the remainder of the parameters were normalized (where applicable based on the Shapiro tests).
We run bioenv
against the three groups of metadata parameters. We then run bioenv
again, but this time against the individual parameters identified as significantly correlated.
Edaphic Properties
tmp_comm <- data.frame(t(its18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac$data_loaded))
tmp_env <- data.frame(its18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac$edaphic)
tmp_env[,1:8] <- NULL
edaphic_bioenv <- bioenv(wisconsin(tmp_comm), tmp_env,
method = "spearman", index = "bray",
upto = ncol(tmp_env), metric = "euclidean")
bioenv_list <- edaphic_bioenv$models[[edaphic_bioenv$whichbest]]$best
bioenv_best <- bioenvdist(edaphic_bioenv, which = "best")
for (i in bioenv_list) {
tmp_dp <- data.frame(edaphic_bioenv$x)
tmp_md <- as.matrix(vegdist(tmp_dp[[i]],
method = "euclidean", binary = FALSE,
diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE))
tmp_man <- mantel(bioenv_best, tmp_md,
permutations = 999, method = "spearman")
tmp_md_name <- names(tmp_dp)[[i]]
tmp_name <- purrr::map_chr(tmp_md_name, ~ paste0(., "_bioenv_mantel_test"))
assign(tmp_name, tmp_man)
rm(list = ls(pattern = "tmp_"))
objects(pattern = "_bioenv_mantel_test")
edaphic_bioenv_ind_mantel <- list(AST = AST_bioenv_mantel_test)
rm(list = ls(pattern = "_bioenv_mantel_test"))
bioenv(comm = wisconsin(tmp_comm), env = tmp_env, method = "spearman", index = "bray", upto = ncol(tmp_env), metric = "euclidean")
Subset of environmental variables with best correlation to community data.
Correlations: spearman
Dissimilarities: bray
Metric: euclidean
Best model has 1 parameters (max. 15 allowed):
with correlation 0.65665
Show the results of individual edaphic metadata Mantel tests
Mantel statistic based on Spearman's rank correlation rho
mantel(xdis = bioenv_best, ydis = tmp_md, method = "spearman", permutations = 999)
Mantel statistic r: 1
Significance: 0.001
Upper quantiles of permutations (null model):
90% 95% 97.5% 99%
0.192 0.242 0.272 0.339
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 999
found the following edaphic properties significantly correlated with the community data: AST
Soil Functional Response
tmp_comm <- data.frame(t(its18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac$data_loaded))
tmp_env <- data.frame(its18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac$soil_funct)
tmp_env[,1:8] <- NULL
soil_funct_bioenv <- bioenv(wisconsin(tmp_comm), tmp_env,
method = "spearman", index = "bray",
upto = ncol(tmp_env), metric = "euclidean")
bioenv_list <- soil_funct_bioenv$models[[soil_funct_bioenv$whichbest]]$best
bioenv_best <- bioenvdist(soil_funct_bioenv, which = "best")
for (i in bioenv_list) {
tmp_dp <- data.frame(soil_funct_bioenv$x)
tmp_md <- as.matrix(vegdist(tmp_dp[[i]],
method = "euclidean", binary = FALSE,
diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE))
tmp_man <- mantel(bioenv_best, tmp_md,
permutations = 999, method = "spearman")
tmp_md_name <- names(tmp_dp)[[i]]
tmp_name <- purrr::map_chr(tmp_md_name, ~ paste0(., "_bioenv_mantel_test"))
assign(tmp_name, tmp_man)
rm(list = ls(pattern = "tmp_"))
objects(pattern = "_bioenv_mantel_test")
soil_funct_bioenv_ind_mantel <- list(enzNP = enzNP_bioenv_mantel_test,
PX_ase = PX_ase_bioenv_mantel_test,
XY_ase = XY_ase_bioenv_mantel_test)
rm(list = ls(pattern = "_bioenv_mantel_test"))
bioenv(comm = wisconsin(tmp_comm), env = tmp_env, method = "spearman", index = "bray", upto = ncol(tmp_env), metric = "euclidean")
Subset of environmental variables with best correlation to community data.
Correlations: spearman
Dissimilarities: bray
Metric: euclidean
Best model has 3 parameters (max. 11 allowed):
XY_ase PX_ase enzNP
with correlation 0.7491622
Show the results of individual functional response metadata Mantel tests
Mantel statistic based on Spearman's rank correlation rho
mantel(xdis = bioenv_best, ydis = tmp_md, method = "spearman", permutations = 999)
Mantel statistic r: 0.5529
Significance: 0.001
Upper quantiles of permutations (null model):
90% 95% 97.5% 99%
0.202 0.277 0.330 0.417
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 999
Mantel statistic based on Spearman's rank correlation rho
mantel(xdis = bioenv_best, ydis = tmp_md, method = "spearman", permutations = 999)
Mantel statistic r: 0.6854
Significance: 0.001
Upper quantiles of permutations (null model):
90% 95% 97.5% 99%
0.209 0.282 0.361 0.412
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 999
Mantel statistic based on Spearman's rank correlation rho
mantel(xdis = bioenv_best, ydis = tmp_md, method = "spearman", permutations = 999)
Mantel statistic r: 0.5054
Significance: 0.002
Upper quantiles of permutations (null model):
90% 95% 97.5% 99%
0.202 0.261 0.308 0.359
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 999
found the following soil functions significantly correlated with the community data: enzNP, PX_ase, XY_ase
Temperature Adaptation
tmp_comm <- data.frame(t(its18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac$data_loaded))
tmp_env <- data.frame(its18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac$temp_adapt)
tmp_env[,1:8] <- NULL
temp_adapt_bioenv <- bioenv(wisconsin(tmp_comm), tmp_env,
method = "spearman", index = "bray",
upto = ncol(tmp_env), metric = "euclidean")
bioenv_list <- temp_adapt_bioenv$models[[temp_adapt_bioenv$whichbest]]$best
bioenv_best <- bioenvdist(temp_adapt_bioenv, which = "best")
for (i in bioenv_list) {
tmp_dp <- data.frame(temp_adapt_bioenv$x)
tmp_md <- as.matrix(vegdist(tmp_dp[[i]],
method = "euclidean", binary = FALSE,
diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE))
tmp_man <- mantel(bioenv_best, tmp_md,
permutations = 999, method = "spearman")
tmp_md_name <- names(tmp_dp)[[i]]
tmp_name <- purrr::map_chr(tmp_md_name, ~ paste0(., "_bioenv_mantel_test"))
assign(tmp_name, tmp_man)
rm(list = ls(pattern = "tmp_"))
objects(pattern = "_bioenv_mantel_test")
temp_adapt_bioenv_ind_mantel <- list(XY_Q10 = XY_Q10_bioenv_mantel_test,
Tmin = Tmin_bioenv_mantel_test)
rm(list = ls(pattern = "_bioenv_mantel_test"))
bioenv(comm = wisconsin(tmp_comm), env = tmp_env, method = "spearman", index = "bray", upto = ncol(tmp_env), metric = "euclidean")
Subset of environmental variables with best correlation to community data.
Correlations: spearman
Dissimilarities: bray
Metric: euclidean
Best model has 2 parameters (max. 12 allowed):
XY_Q10 Tmin
with correlation 0.5637527
Show the results of individual temperature adaptation metadata Mantel tests
Mantel statistic based on Spearman's rank correlation rho
mantel(xdis = bioenv_best, ydis = tmp_md, method = "spearman", permutations = 999)
Mantel statistic r: 0.7258
Significance: 0.001
Upper quantiles of permutations (null model):
90% 95% 97.5% 99%
0.134 0.200 0.241 0.316
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 999
Mantel statistic based on Spearman's rank correlation rho
mantel(xdis = bioenv_best, ydis = tmp_md, method = "spearman", permutations = 999)
Mantel statistic r: 0.616
Significance: 0.001
Upper quantiles of permutations (null model):
90% 95% 97.5% 99%
0.189 0.245 0.297 0.360
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 999
found the following temperature adaptations significantly correlated with the community data: XY_Q10, Tmin
Distance-based Redundancy
Now we turn our attention to distance-based redundancy analysis (dbRDA), an ordination method similar to Redundancy Analysis (rda) but it allows non-Euclidean dissimilarity indices, such as Manhattan or Bray–Curtis distance. For this, we use capscale
from the vegan
package. capscale
is a constrained versions of metric scaling (principal coordinates analysis), which are based on the Euclidean distance but can be used, and are more useful, with other dissimilarity measures. The functions can also perform unconstrained principal coordinates analysis, optionally using extended dissimilarities.
For each of the three metadata subsets, we perform the following steps:
- Run
to compare metadata and community dissimilarity indices for gradient detection. This will help us select the best dissimilarity metric to use. - Run
for distance-based redundancy analysis. - Run
to fit environmental parameters onto the ordination. This function basically calculates correlation scores between the metadata parameters and the ordination axes. - Select metadata parameters significant for
(see above) and/orenvfit
analyses. - Run
on ASVs. - Plot the ordination and vector overlays.
Edaphic Properties
tmp_md <- its18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac$edaphic
tmp_md$TREAT_T <- as.character(tmp_md$TREAT_T)
tmp_comm <- data.frame(t(its18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac$data_loaded))
edaphic_rank <- rankindex(tmp_md[, 8:ncol(tmp_md)], tmp_comm,
indices = c("euc", "man", "gow","bra", "kul"),
stepacross = FALSE, method = "spearman")
euc man gow bra kul
0.15398526 0.29983940 -0.02940098 0.29983940 0.29983940
Let’s run capscale
using Bray-Curtis. Note, we have 15 metadata parameters in this group but, for some reason, capscale
only works with 13 parameters. This may have to do with degrees of freedom?
- Starting properties: AST, H2O, N, P, Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, TEB, ECEC, pH, NH4, NO3, PO4, DOC, DON, DOCN.
- Autocorrelated removed: TEB, DON, Na, Al, Ca.
- Remove for capscale: Mg, Mn, Na, Al, Fe, K
edaphic_cap <- capscale(tmp_comm ~ AST + H2O + N + P + ECEC + pH +
NH4 + NO3 + PO4 + DOC + DOCN,
tmp_md, dist = "bray")
Call: capscale(formula = tmp_comm ~ AST + H2O + N + P + ECEC + pH + NH4
+ NO3 + PO4 + DOC + DOCN, data = tmp_md, distance = "bray")
Inertia Proportion Rank
Total 3.88624 1.00000
Constrained 3.66503 0.94308 11
Unconstrained 0.22120 0.05692 1
Inertia is squared Bray distance
Species scores projected from 'tmp_comm'
Eigenvalues for constrained axes:
0.9655 0.5791 0.4327 0.3671 0.2987 0.2608 0.2301 0.1867 0.1339 0.1135 0.0970
Eigenvalues for unconstrained axes:
Now we can look at the variance against each principal component.
And then make some quick and dirty plots. This will also come in handy later when we need to parse out data a better plot visualization. The ggplot
function autoplot
stores these data in a more accessible way than the raw results from capscale
Next, we need to grab capscale scores for the samples and create a data frame of the first two dimensions. We will also need to add some of the sample details to the data frame. For this we use the vegan function scores
which gets species or site scores from the ordination.
tmp_samp_scores <- dplyr::filter(tmp_auto_plt$plot_env$obj, Score == "sites")
tmp_samp_scores[,1] <- NULL
tmp_samp_scores <- tmp_samp_scores %>% dplyr::rename(SampleID = Label)
tmp_md_sub <- tmp_md[, 1:4]
tmp_md_sub <- tmp_md_sub %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("SampleID")
edaphic_plot_data <- dplyr::left_join(tmp_md_sub, tmp_samp_scores, by = "SampleID")
Now we have a new data frame that contains sample details and capscale values.
1 P10_D00_010_C0E P10 C 0 E -0.67150210 -1.07183211
2 P02_D00_010_C0A P02 C 0 A -0.91911652 -0.41647565
3 P04_D00_010_C0B P04 C 0 B -0.95654588 0.64087450
4 P06_D00_010_C0C P06 C 0 C -0.87992057 0.68082267
5 P08_D00_010_C0D P08 C 0 D -0.07766291 -0.98166349
6 P01_D00_010_W3A P01 W 3 A -0.79165161 -0.43340347
7 P03_D00_010_W3B P03 W 3 B 0.24722812 0.81805851
8 P07_D00_010_W3D P07 W 3 D 0.20151965 1.07639049
9 P09_D00_010_W3E P09 W 3 E 0.58233467 0.46562279
10 P01_D00_010_W8A P01 W 8 A 0.92158009 -0.06825914
11 P03_D00_010_W8B P03 W 8 B 0.94079184 -0.52231363
12 P05_D00_010_W8C P05 W 8 C 0.87642984 -0.89155825
13 P07_D00_010_W8D P07 W 8 D 0.52651539 0.70373678
We can then do the same with the metadata vectors. Here though we only need the scores and parameter name.
edaphic_md_scores <- dplyr::filter(tmp_auto_plt$plot_env$obj, Score == "biplot")
edaphic_md_scores[,1] <- NULL
edaphic_md_scores <- edaphic_md_scores %>%
dplyr::mutate(parameters = Label, .before = CAP1) %>%
parameters CAP1 CAP2
AST AST 0.834527196 0.117196419
H2O H2O -0.596509128 0.006131247
N N 0.245428273 0.506082992
P P 0.097845581 0.205793005
ECEC ECEC -0.304860202 0.538475609
pH pH -0.081297235 -0.092037201
NH4 NH4 -0.297079795 0.210528906
NO3 NO3 -0.264254841 0.225782469
PO4 PO4 -0.583698114 0.354036263
DOC DOC -0.884261492 0.025360275
DOCN DOCN 0.007258364 -0.462404778
Let’s run some quick correlations of metadata with ordination axes to see which parameters are significant. For this we use the vegan function envfit
CAP1 CAP2 r2 Pr(>r)
AST 0.99126 0.13189 0.4849 0.03696 *
H2O -0.99989 0.01511 0.2434 0.25275
N 0.43981 0.89809 0.2124 0.27473
P 0.43273 0.90152 0.0349 0.86014
ECEC -0.50151 0.86515 0.2595 0.21778
pH -0.66815 -0.74403 0.0102 0.94705
NH4 -0.81970 0.57279 0.0906 0.60140
NO3 -0.76538 0.64357 0.0824 0.64635
PO4 -0.85783 0.51393 0.3187 0.15185
DOC -0.99945 0.03317 0.5354 0.02797 *
DOCN 0.02108 -0.99978 0.1437 0.47552
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 1000
edaphic_md_signif_hits <- base::subset(envfit_edaphic_md$vectors$pvals,
< 0.05 & envfit_edaphic_md$vectors$r > 0.4))
edaphic_md_signif_hits <- data.frame(edaphic_md_signif_hits)
edaphic_md_signif_hits <- rownames(edaphic_md_signif_hits)
edaphic_md_signif <- edaphic_md_scores[edaphic_md_scores$parameters %in% edaphic_md_signif_hits,]
found that AST, DOC were significantly correlated.
Now let’s see if the same parameters are significant for the envfit
and bioenv
[1] "Significant parameters from bioenv analysis."
[1] "AST"
[1] "Significant parameters from envfit analysis."
[1] "AST" "DOC"
[1] "Found in bioenv but not envfit."
[1] "Found in envfit but not bioenv."
[1] "DOC"
[1] "Found in envfit and bioenv."
[1] "AST" "DOC"
new_edaphic_md_signif_hits <- edaphic_sig_diff
#new_edaphic_md_signif_hits <- append(edaphic_md_signif_hits, edaphic_sig_diff)
edaphic_md_signif_all <- edaphic_md_scores[edaphic_md_scores$parameters %in% new_edaphic_md_signif_hits,]
Check. Next, we run envfit
for the ASVs.
envfit_edaphic_asv <- envfit(tmp_samp_scores_sub,
tmp_comm[, order(colSums(-tmp_comm))][, 1:10],
perm = 1000, choices = c(1, 2))
edaphic_asv_scores <- dplyr::filter(tmp_auto_plt$plot_env$obj, Score == "species")
edaphic_asv_scores <- edaphic_asv_scores %>%
dplyr::mutate(parameters = Label, .before = CAP1) %>%
edaphic_asv_scores[,1] <- NULL
CAP1 CAP2 r2 Pr(>r)
ASV1 -0.61940 -0.78508 0.3539 0.010989 *
ASV2 0.73098 -0.68240 0.5575 0.003996 **
ASV4 -0.33832 -0.94103 0.4713 0.010989 *
ASV3 -0.89855 0.43888 0.4897 0.002997 **
ASV15 0.95614 0.29292 0.2269 0.192807
ASV8 -0.87871 -0.47735 0.1267 0.795205
ASV9 0.73176 0.68156 0.1410 0.468531
ASV24 0.45502 0.89048 0.1661 0.459540
ASV12 0.12678 0.99193 0.7513 0.001998 **
ASV13 -0.42157 -0.90680 0.4286 0.060939 .
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 1000
edaphic_asv_signif_hits <- base::subset(envfit_edaphic_asv$vectors$pvals,
< 0.05 & envfit_edaphic_asv$vectors$r > 0.5))
edaphic_asv_signif_hits <- data.frame(edaphic_asv_signif_hits)
edaphic_asv_signif_hits <- rownames(edaphic_asv_signif_hits)
edaphic_asv_signif <- edaphic_asv_scores[edaphic_asv_scores$parameters %in% edaphic_asv_signif_hits,]
parameters CAP1 CAP2 variable_type
ASV12 ASV12 0.03291551 0.2041479 ASV
ASV2 ASV2 0.48655008 -0.3456690 ASV
edaphic_md_signif_all$variable_type <- "metadata"
edaphic_asv_signif$variable_type <- "ASV"
edaphic_bioplot_data <- rbind(edaphic_md_signif_all, edaphic_asv_signif)
The last thing to do is categorize parameters scores and ASV scores into different variable types for plotting.
Show the code for the plot
Soil Functional Response
tmp_md <- its18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac$soil_funct
tmp_md$TREAT_T <- as.character(tmp_md$TREAT_T)
tmp_comm <- data.frame(t(its18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac$data_loaded))
soil_funct_rank <- rankindex(tmp_md[, 8:ncol(tmp_md)], tmp_comm,
indices = c("euc", "man", "gow", "bra", "kul"),
stepacross = FALSE, method = "spearman")
euc man gow bra kul
0.06025620 0.38790324 -0.06200129 0.38790324 0.38790324
Let’s run capscale
using Bray-Curtis Note, we have 11 metadata parameters in this group but, for some reason, capscale
only works with 13 parameters. This may have to do with degrees of freedom?
- Starting properties: micC, micN, micP, micCN, micCP, micNP, AG_ase, BG_ase, BP_ase, CE_ase, P_ase, N_ase, S_ase, XY_ase, LP_ase, PX_ase, CO2, enzCN, enzCP, enzNP
- Autocorrelated removed: micN, micNP, enzCN, enzCP, BP_ase, CE_ase, LP_ase, N_ase, P_ase
- Remove for capscale: NONE
soil_funct_cap <- capscale(tmp_comm ~ micC + micP + micCN + micCP + AG_ase + BG_ase +
S_ase + XY_ase + PX_ase + CO2 + enzNP,
tmp_md, dist = "bray")
Call: capscale(formula = tmp_comm ~ micC + micP + micCN + micCP +
AG_ase + BG_ase + S_ase + XY_ase + PX_ase + CO2 + enzNP, data = tmp_md,
distance = "bray")
Inertia Proportion Rank
Total 3.88624 1.00000
Constrained 3.59902 0.92609 11
Unconstrained 0.28722 0.07391 1
Inertia is squared Bray distance
Species scores projected from 'tmp_comm'
Eigenvalues for constrained axes:
0.9666 0.5891 0.3939 0.3377 0.2686 0.2635 0.2306 0.1940 0.1389 0.1143 0.1018
Eigenvalues for unconstrained axes:
Now we can look at the variance against each principal component.
And then make some quick and dirty plots. This will also come in handy later when we need to parse out data a better plot visualization. The ggplot
function autoplot
stores these data in a more accessible way than the raw results from capscale
Next, we need to grab capscale scores for the samples and create a data frame of the first two dimensions. We will also need to add some of the sample details to the data frame. For this we use the vegan function scores
which gets species or site scores from the ordination.
tmp_samp_scores <- dplyr::filter(tmp_auto_plt$plot_env$obj, Score == "sites")
tmp_samp_scores[,1] <- NULL
tmp_samp_scores <- tmp_samp_scores %>% dplyr::rename(SampleID = Label)
tmp_md_sub <- tmp_md[, 1:4]
tmp_md_sub <- tmp_md_sub %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("SampleID")
soil_funct_plot_data <- dplyr::left_join(tmp_md_sub, tmp_samp_scores,
by = "SampleID")
Now we have a new data frame that contains sample details and capscale values.
1 P10_D00_010_C0E P10 C 0 E -0.69489162 -0.6675049
2 P02_D00_010_C0A P02 C 0 A -0.91653485 -0.6229848
3 P04_D00_010_C0B P04 C 0 B -0.95221897 0.3986135
4 P06_D00_010_C0C P06 C 0 C -0.85713972 0.6268677
5 P08_D00_010_C0D P08 C 0 D -0.09115803 -1.0802252
6 P01_D00_010_W3A P01 W 3 A -0.80868973 -0.1643386
7 P03_D00_010_W3B P03 W 3 B 0.27067347 0.9200087
8 P07_D00_010_W3D P07 W 3 D 0.20427135 1.0264780
9 P09_D00_010_W3E P09 W 3 E 0.57963547 0.4440199
10 P01_D00_010_W8A P01 W 8 A 0.91663981 -0.1382072
11 P03_D00_010_W8B P03 W 8 B 0.92199435 -0.6783194
12 P05_D00_010_W8C P05 W 8 C 0.86406950 -0.9575454
13 P07_D00_010_W8D P07 W 8 D 0.56334898 0.8931377
We can then do the same with the metadata vectors. Here though we only need the scores and parameter name.
soil_funct_md_scores <- dplyr::filter(tmp_auto_plt$plot_env$obj, Score == "biplot")
soil_funct_md_scores[,1] <- NULL
soil_funct_md_scores <- soil_funct_md_scores %>%
dplyr::mutate(parameters = Label, .before = CAP1) %>%
parameters CAP1 CAP2
micC micC -0.2359175 0.400384343
micP micP -0.4872005 0.846844390
micCN micCN 0.5085406 0.215263003
micCP micCP 0.4299937 -0.786734788
AG_ase AG_ase -0.3381241 0.763769448
BG_ase BG_ase 0.2150249 0.021210923
S_ase S_ase 0.1648172 0.678698244
XY_ase XY_ase 0.6119362 0.164529372
PX_ase PX_ase 0.8280069 -0.009182309
CO2 CO2 0.5373302 -0.181241128
enzNP enzNP -0.8493447 0.170758052
Let’s run some quick correlations of metadata with ordination axes to see which parameters are significant. For this we use the vegan function envfit
tmp_samp_scores_sub <- soil_funct_plot_data[, 6:7]
tmp_samp_scores_sub <- as.matrix(tmp_samp_scores_sub)
tmp_param_list <- soil_funct_md_scores$parameters
tmp_md_sub <- subset(tmp_md, select = tmp_param_list)
envfit_soil_funct_md <- envfit(tmp_samp_scores_sub, tmp_md_sub,
perm = 1000, choices = c(1, 2))
CAP1 CAP2 r2 Pr(>r)
micC -0.50911 0.86070 0.1567 0.442557
micP -0.50009 0.86597 0.6925 0.001998 **
micCN 0.92125 0.38897 0.2225 0.261738
micCP 0.48092 -0.87676 0.5831 0.015984 *
AG_ase -0.40574 0.91399 0.5060 0.036963 *
BG_ase 0.99507 0.09917 0.0341 0.832168
S_ase 0.23862 0.97111 0.3542 0.099900 .
XY_ase 0.96571 0.25962 0.2931 0.170829
PX_ase 0.99996 -0.00944 0.5002 0.034965 *
CO2 0.94850 -0.31679 0.2342 0.250749
enzNP -0.98088 0.19460 0.5471 0.013986 *
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 1000
soil_funct_md_signif_hits <- base::subset(envfit_soil_funct_md$vectors$pvals,
< 0.05 & envfit_soil_funct_md$vectors$r > 0.4))
soil_funct_md_signif_hits <- data.frame(soil_funct_md_signif_hits)
soil_funct_md_signif_hits <- rownames(soil_funct_md_signif_hits)
soil_funct_md_signif <- soil_funct_md_scores[soil_funct_md_scores$parameters %in%
found that micP, micCP, AG_ase, PX_ase, enzNP were significantly correlated.
Now let’s see if the same parameters are significant for the envfit
and bioenv
[1] "Significant parameters from bioenv analysis."
[1] "enzNP" "PX_ase" "XY_ase"
[1] "Significant parameters from envfit analysis."
[1] "micP" "micCP" "AG_ase" "PX_ase" "enzNP"
[1] "Found in bioenv but not envfit."
[1] "XY_ase"
[1] "Found in envfit but not bioenv."
[1] "micP" "micCP" "AG_ase"
[1] "Found in envfit and bioenv."
[1] "micP" "micCP" "AG_ase" "PX_ase" "enzNP" "XY_ase"
#new_soil_funct_md_signif_hits <- append(soil_funct_md_signif_hits, soil_funct_sig_diff)
new_soil_funct_md_signif_hits <- soil_funct_sig_diff
soil_funct_md_signif_all <- soil_funct_md_scores[soil_funct_md_scores$parameters %in%
Check. Next, we run envfit
for the ASVs.
envfit_soil_funct_asv <- envfit(tmp_samp_scores_sub,
tmp_comm[, order(colSums(-tmp_comm))][, 1:10],
perm = 1000, choices = c(1, 2))
soil_funct_asv_scores <- dplyr::filter(tmp_auto_plt$plot_env$obj, Score == "species")
soil_funct_asv_scores <- soil_funct_asv_scores %>%
dplyr::mutate(parameters = Label, .before = CAP1) %>%
soil_funct_asv_scores[,1] <- NULL
CAP1 CAP2 r2 Pr(>r)
ASV1 -0.79963 -0.60050 0.2256 0.245754
ASV2 0.68178 -0.73156 0.6129 0.000999 ***
ASV4 -0.33208 -0.94325 0.5433 0.000999 ***
ASV3 -0.92213 0.38687 0.4516 0.010989 *
ASV15 0.95847 0.28518 0.2287 0.159840
ASV8 -0.97867 -0.20544 0.1064 0.930070
ASV9 0.76380 0.64546 0.1326 0.481518
ASV24 0.40983 0.91216 0.2438 0.065934 .
ASV12 0.14788 0.98901 0.7872 0.000999 ***
ASV13 -0.42711 -0.90420 0.4546 0.044955 *
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 1000
soil_funct_asv_signif_hits <- base::subset(envfit_soil_funct_asv$vectors$pvals,
< 0.05 & envfit_soil_funct_asv$vectors$r > 0.5))
soil_funct_asv_signif_hits <- data.frame(soil_funct_asv_signif_hits)
soil_funct_asv_signif_hits <- rownames(soil_funct_asv_signif_hits)
soil_funct_asv_signif <- soil_funct_asv_scores[soil_funct_asv_scores$parameters %in%
parameters CAP1 CAP2 variable_type
ASV4 ASV4 -0.10677580 -0.2996742 ASV
ASV12 ASV12 0.04088024 0.2662493 ASV
ASV2 ASV2 0.46539405 -0.4834130 ASV
soil_funct_md_signif_all$variable_type <- "metadata"
soil_funct_asv_signif$variable_type <- "ASV"
soil_funct_bioplot_data <- rbind(soil_funct_md_signif_all, soil_funct_asv_signif)
The last thing to do is categorize parameters scores and ASV scores into different variable types for plotting.
Show the code for the plot
soil_funct_cap_vals <- data.frame(soil_funct_cap$CCA$eig[1:2])
soil_funct_cap1 <- signif((soil_funct_cap_vals[1,] * 100), digits=3)
soil_funct_cap2 <- signif((soil_funct_cap_vals[2,] * 100), digits=3)
cpa1_lab <- paste("CAP1", " (", soil_funct_cap1, "%)", sep = "")
cpa2_lab <- paste("CAP2", " (", soil_funct_cap2, "%)", sep = "")
swel_col <- c("#2271B2", "#71B222", "#B22271")
soil_funct_plot <- ggplot(soil_funct_plot_data) +
geom_point(mapping = aes(x = CAP1, y = CAP2, shape = TREAT,
colour = TREAT_T), size = 4) +
scale_colour_manual(values = swel_col) +
# geom_text(data = soil_funct_plot_data, aes(x = CAP1, y = CAP2, #UNCOMMENT to add sample labels
# label = SampleID), size = 3) +
geom_segment(aes(x = 0, y = 0, xend = CAP1, yend = CAP2),
data = soil_funct_bioplot_data_md, linetype = "solid",
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.3, "cm")), size = 0.4,
color = "#191919") +
geom_text(data = soil_funct_bioplot_data_md,
aes(x = CAP1, y = CAP2, label = parameters), size = 3,
nudge_x = 0.1, nudge_y = 0.05) +
## USE this code to overlay ASV vestors
#geom_segment(aes(x = 0, y = 0, xend = CAP1, yend = CAP2),
# data = soil_funct_bioplot_data_asv, linetype = "solid",
# arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.3, "cm")), size = 0.2,
# color = "#676767") +
#geom_text(data = soil_funct_bioplot_data_asv,
# aes(x = CAP1, y = CAP2, label = parameters), size = 2.5,
# nudge_x = 0.05, nudge_y = 0.05) +
theme_classic(base_size = 12) +
labs(title = "Capscale Analysis",
subtitle = "Soil Functional Response",
x = cpa1_lab,
y = cpa2_lab)
soil_funct_plot <- soil_funct_plot + coord_fixed() + theme(aspect.ratio=1)
height = 16, width = 20, units = 'cm', res = 600, bg = "white")
height = 5, width = 6)
Temperature Adaptation
tmp_md <- its18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac$temp_adapt
tmp_md$TREAT_T <- as.character(tmp_md$TREAT_T)
tmp_comm <- data.frame(t(its18_select_mc_norm_split_no_ac$data_loaded))
temp_adapt_rank <- rankindex(tmp_md[, 8:ncol(tmp_md)], tmp_comm,
indices = c("euc", "man", "gow", "bra", "kul"),
stepacross = FALSE, method = "spearman")
euc man gow bra kul
0.05132842 0.39465598 0.27457353 0.39465598 0.39465598
Let’s run capscale
using Bray-Curtis. Note, we have 12 metadata parameters in this group but, for some reason, capscale
only works with 13 parameters. This may have to do with degrees of freedom?
- Starting properties: AG_Q10, BG_Q10, BP_Q10, CE_Q10, P_Q10, N_Q10, S_Q10, XY_Q10, LP_Q10, PX_Q10, CUEcn, CUEcp, NUE, PUE, Tmin, SI
- Autocorrelated removed: NUE, PUE, P_Q10, SI
- Remove for capscale: S_Q10
temp_adapt_cap <- capscale(tmp_comm ~ AG_Q10 + BG_Q10 + BP_Q10 + CE_Q10 +
N_Q10 + XY_Q10 + LP_Q10 + PX_Q10 +
CUEcn + CUEcp + Tmin,
tmp_md, dist = "bray")
Call: capscale(formula = tmp_comm ~ AG_Q10 + BG_Q10 + BP_Q10 + CE_Q10 +
N_Q10 + XY_Q10 + LP_Q10 + PX_Q10 + CUEcn + CUEcp + Tmin, data = tmp_md,
distance = "bray")
Inertia Proportion Rank
Total 3.88624 1.00000
Constrained 3.64416 0.93771 11
Unconstrained 0.24208 0.06229 1
Inertia is squared Bray distance
Species scores projected from 'tmp_comm'
Eigenvalues for constrained axes:
0.9367 0.5976 0.4447 0.3685 0.3136 0.2644 0.2093 0.1488 0.1377 0.1235 0.0994
Eigenvalues for unconstrained axes:
Now we can look at the variance against each principal component.
And then make some quick and dirty plots. This will also come in handy later when we need to parse out data a better plot visualization. The ggplot
function autoplot
stores these data in a more accessible way than the raw results from capscale
Next, we need to grab capscale scores for the samples and create a data frame of the first two dimensions. We will also need to add some of the sample details to the data frame. For this we use the vegan function scores
which gets species or site scores from the ordination.
tmp_samp_scores <- dplyr::filter(tmp_auto_plt$plot_env$obj, Score == "sites")
tmp_samp_scores[,1] <- NULL
tmp_samp_scores <- tmp_samp_scores %>% dplyr::rename(SampleID = Label)
tmp_md_sub <- tmp_md[, 1:4]
tmp_md_sub <- tmp_md_sub %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("SampleID")
temp_adapt_plot_data <- dplyr::left_join(tmp_md_sub, tmp_samp_scores,
by = "SampleID")
Now we have a new data frame that contains sample details and capscale values.
1 P10_D00_010_C0E P10 C 0 E -0.70909404 0.8884734
2 P02_D00_010_C0A P02 C 0 A -0.88932428 0.4678685
3 P04_D00_010_C0B P04 C 0 B -0.94720017 -0.5168746
4 P06_D00_010_C0C P06 C 0 C -0.94117253 -0.7283971
5 P08_D00_010_C0D P08 C 0 D -0.09697067 1.0013016
6 P01_D00_010_W3A P01 W 3 A -0.79138504 0.3434287
7 P03_D00_010_W3B P03 W 3 B 0.28447425 -0.8800769
8 P07_D00_010_W3D P07 W 3 D 0.18992920 -0.9828048
9 P09_D00_010_W3E P09 W 3 E 0.57704340 -0.4016378
10 P01_D00_010_W8A P01 W 8 A 0.98434765 0.1432237
11 P03_D00_010_W8B P03 W 8 B 0.88625427 0.6330378
12 P05_D00_010_W8C P05 W 8 C 0.84253827 0.9056297
13 P07_D00_010_W8D P07 W 8 D 0.61055970 -0.8731722
We can then do the same with the metadata vectors. Here though we only need the scores and parameter name.
temp_adapt_md_scores <- dplyr::filter(tmp_auto_plt$plot_env$obj, Score == "biplot")
temp_adapt_md_scores[,1] <- NULL
temp_adapt_md_scores <- temp_adapt_md_scores %>%
dplyr::mutate(parameters = Label, .before = CAP1) %>%
parameters CAP1 CAP2
AG_Q10 AG_Q10 0.138111424 -0.09067317
BG_Q10 BG_Q10 0.529871661 0.44030269
BP_Q10 BP_Q10 0.213674949 0.18420563
CE_Q10 CE_Q10 -0.470374849 -0.07935444
N_Q10 N_Q10 0.002856862 0.28186886
XY_Q10 XY_Q10 0.826073837 0.18643092
LP_Q10 LP_Q10 -0.428296135 -0.07664534
PX_Q10 PX_Q10 -0.361920412 0.05606159
CUEcn CUEcn -0.146194994 -0.40205479
CUEcp CUEcp 0.318510258 0.66752667
Tmin Tmin 0.740618311 -0.05737920
Let’s run some quick correlations of metadata with ordination axes to see which parameters are significant. For this we use the vegan function envfit
tmp_samp_scores_sub <- temp_adapt_plot_data[, 6:7]
tmp_samp_scores_sub <- as.matrix(tmp_samp_scores_sub)
tmp_param_list <- temp_adapt_md_scores$parameters
tmp_md_sub <- subset(tmp_md, select = tmp_param_list)
envfit_temp_adapt_md <- envfit(tmp_samp_scores_sub, tmp_md_sub,
perm = 1000, choices = c(1, 2))
CAP1 CAP2 r2 Pr(>r)
AG_Q10 0.82904 -0.55918 0.0237 0.89710
BG_Q10 0.76182 0.64778 0.4109 0.07792 .
BP_Q10 0.74983 0.66163 0.0689 0.71528
CE_Q10 -0.98593 -0.16714 0.1956 0.34865
N_Q10 0.00657 0.99998 0.0700 0.71029
XY_Q10 0.97498 0.22227 0.6166 0.00999 **
LP_Q10 -0.98418 -0.17719 0.1627 0.44955
PX_Q10 -0.98713 0.15993 0.1155 0.54246
CUEcn -0.33206 -0.94326 0.1605 0.40460
CUEcp 0.42027 0.90740 0.4786 0.03497 *
Tmin 0.99659 -0.08248 0.4749 0.02797 *
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 1000
temp_adapt_md_signif_hits <- base::subset(envfit_temp_adapt_md$vectors$pvals,
< 0.05 & envfit_temp_adapt_md$vectors$r > 0.4))
temp_adapt_md_signif_hits <- data.frame(temp_adapt_md_signif_hits)
temp_adapt_md_signif_hits <- rownames(temp_adapt_md_signif_hits)
temp_adapt_md_signif <- temp_adapt_md_scores[temp_adapt_md_scores$parameters %in%
found that XY_Q10, CUEcp, Tmin were significantly correlated.
Now let’s see if the same parameters are significant for the envfit
and bioenv
[1] "Significant parameters from bioenv analysis."
[1] "XY_Q10" "Tmin"
[1] "Significant parameters from envfit analysis."
[1] "XY_Q10" "CUEcp" "Tmin"
[1] "Found in bioenv but not envfit."
[1] "Found in envfit but not bioenv."
[1] "CUEcp"
[1] "Found in envfit and bioenv."
[1] "XY_Q10" "CUEcp" "Tmin"
#new_temp_adapt_md_signif_hits <- base::append(temp_adapt_md_signif_hits, temp_adapt_sig_diff)
new_temp_adapt_md_signif_hits <- temp_adapt_sig_diff[1:4]
temp_adapt_md_signif_all <- temp_adapt_md_scores[temp_adapt_md_scores$parameters %in%
Check. Next, we run envfit
for the ASVs.
envfit_temp_adapt_asv <- envfit(tmp_samp_scores_sub,
tmp_comm[, order(colSums(-tmp_comm))][, 1:10],
perm = 1000, choices = c(1, 2))
temp_adapt_asv_scores <- dplyr::filter(tmp_auto_plt$plot_env$obj, Score == "species")
temp_adapt_asv_scores <- temp_adapt_asv_scores %>%
dplyr::mutate(parameters = Label, .before = CAP1) %>%
temp_adapt_asv_scores[,1] <- NULL
CAP1 CAP2 r2 Pr(>r)
ASV1 -0.68969 0.72410 0.2975 0.051948 .
ASV2 0.68393 0.72955 0.5592 0.003996 **
ASV4 -0.34226 0.93961 0.4935 0.005994 **
ASV3 -0.89727 -0.44148 0.5062 0.000999 ***
ASV15 0.96528 -0.26123 0.2497 0.122877
ASV8 -0.90985 0.41495 0.1146 0.923077
ASV9 0.76209 -0.64748 0.1338 0.474525
ASV24 0.44129 -0.89736 0.2375 0.095904 .
ASV12 0.14568 -0.98933 0.7737 0.002997 **
ASV13 -0.41856 0.90819 0.4357 0.056943 .
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 1000
temp_adapt_asv_signif_hits <- base::subset(envfit_temp_adapt_asv$vectors$pvals,
< 0.05 & envfit_temp_adapt_asv$vectors$r > 0.5))
temp_adapt_asv_signif_hits <- data.frame(temp_adapt_asv_signif_hits)
temp_adapt_asv_signif_hits <- rownames(temp_adapt_asv_signif_hits)
temp_adapt_asv_signif <- temp_adapt_asv_scores[temp_adapt_asv_scores$parameters %in%
parameters CAP1 CAP2 variable_type
ASV12 ASV12 0.03533894 -0.2327656 ASV
ASV2 ASV2 0.38413654 0.3977765 ASV
ASV3 ASV3 -0.45977392 -0.1843674 ASV
temp_adapt_md_signif_all$variable_type <- "metadata"
temp_adapt_asv_signif$variable_type <- "ASV"
temp_adapt_bioplot_data <- rbind(temp_adapt_md_signif_all, temp_adapt_asv_signif)
The last thing to do is categorize parameters scores and ASV scores into different variable types for plotting.
Show the code for the plot
temp_adapt_cap_vals <- data.frame(temp_adapt_cap$CCA$eig[1:2])
temp_adapt_cap1 <- signif((temp_adapt_cap_vals[1,] * 100), digits=3)
temp_adapt_cap2 <- signif((temp_adapt_cap_vals[2,] * 100), digits=3)
cpa1_lab <- paste("CAP1", " (", temp_adapt_cap1, "%)", sep = "")
cpa2_lab <- paste("CAP2", " (", temp_adapt_cap2, "%)", sep = "")
swel_col <- c("#2271B2", "#71B222", "#B22271")
temp_adapt_plot <- ggplot(temp_adapt_plot_data) +
geom_point(mapping = aes(x = CAP1, y = CAP2, shape = TREAT,
colour = TREAT_T), size = 4) +
scale_colour_manual(values = swel_col) +
# geom_text(data = temp_adapt_plot_data, aes(x = CAP1, y = CAP2, #UNCOMMENT to add sample labels
# label = SampleID), size = 3) +
geom_segment(aes(x = 0, y = 0, xend = CAP1, yend = CAP2),
data = temp_adapt_bioplot_data_md, linetype = "solid",
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.3, "cm")), size = 0.4,
color = "#191919", inherit.aes = FALSE) +
geom_text(data = temp_adapt_bioplot_data_md,
aes(x = CAP1, y = CAP2, label = parameters), size = 3,
nudge_x = 0.1, nudge_y = 0.05) +
# uSe to include ASV vectors
#geom_segment(aes(x = 0, y = 0, xend = CAP1, yend = CAP2),
# data = temp_adapt_bioplot_data_asv, linetype = "solid",
# arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.3, "cm")), size = 0.2,
# color = "#676767") +
#geom_text(data = temp_adapt_bioplot_data_asv,
# aes(x = CAP1, y = CAP2, label = parameters), size = 2.5,
# nudge_x = 0.05, nudge_y = 0.05) +
theme_classic(base_size = 12) +
labs(title = "Capscale Analysis",
subtitle = "Temperature Adaptation",
x = cpa1_lab,
y = cpa2_lab)
temp_adapt_plot <- temp_adapt_plot + coord_fixed() + theme(aspect.ratio=1)
height = 16, width = 20, units = 'cm', res = 600, bg = "white")
height = 5, width = 6)
Capscale Plots
(ITS) Figure 7 | Distance-based Redundancy Analysis (db-RDA) of PIME filtered data based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarity showing the relationships between community composition change versus edaphic properties.
(ITS) Figure 8 | Distance-based Redundancy Analysis (db-RDA) of PIME filtered data based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarity showing the relationships between community composition change versus microbial functional response.
(ITS) Figure 9 | Distance-based Redundancy Analysis (db-RDA) of PIME filtered data based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarity showing the relationships between community composition change versus temperature adaptation.
Workflow Output
Data products generated in this workflow can be downloaded from figshare.
Previous workflow:
7. Differentially Abundant ASVs & Taxa
Source Code
The source code for this page can be accessed on GitHub by clicking this link.
Data Availability
Data generated in this workflow and the Rdata need to run the workflow can be accessed on figshare at 10.25573/data.16828294.
Last updated on
[1] "2022-06-29 07:22:52 EST"